You can even perform them on a mat to achieve the same benefits. Read on to understand the benefits of flutter kick exercises.

Quick View – How To Do Flutter Kicks

Before we dive into the benefits of flutter kicks, take a look at how you should do this exercise.

Steps To Do Flutter Kick Exercise

So, you see, it is not difficult to do. This effective exercise activates the following muscles.

What Muscles Do Flutter Kicks Work On?

They work on the mid and lower abs, glutes, hip flexors, quads, and adductors. As a result, the entire lower body muscles are activated and toned. We will now talk about the benefits of doing flutter kicks.

10 Benefits Of Flutter Kick Exercise 

1. Burns Calories

Flutter kicks are great calorie burners. Depending on your current body weight and exercise duration and intensity, you can burn anywhere between 20-120 calories. That’s equal to running for 15 minutes at moderate speed. So, kick some calories with flutter kicks!

2. Excellent Cardio

Cardio increases the heart rate. As a result, more capillariesi  XTiny, hairlike blood vessels that regulate blood flow throughout the body. deliver oxygen to the muscles, which is then used to burn the fat. So, basically, cardio is an aerobic exercise. Flutter kick is an unassuming cardio exercise that targets your problem areas like the belly, hips, and thighs.

3. Tones The Lower Body

A toned lower body looks fabulous. And flutter kick helps you get well-toned lower abs, lower back, hips, and thighs. It does so by activating the muscles, which rebuild themselves and become stronger and thicker. But that does not mean you will look like a man – you do not have as much testosteronei  XA chemical responsible for the development of men’s sexual characteristics. as a man. Plus, you need to work out rigorously to look like a bodybuilder.

4. Sheds Belly Fat

This is what we all want – to shed the belly fat. Unfortunately, it is the toughest and most stubborn fat of all. Stress and unhealthy lifestyle choices cause fat accumulation in your belly region, which can put your health at serious risk in the long term. Flutter kick engages all the muscles of your abs, and since it’s a cardio exercise, it targets and burns the extra flab in your belly region.

5. Sculpts Your Abs

The next step to a flat belly is to sculpt the abs. Flutter kicks help define the ab muscles, making your belly look whittled and carved. Even if you do not have full-blown six packs (why not?), a subtle show of your hard work can give you a major shot of serotonini  XA chemical that plays a vital role in maintaining a positive mood, through which the nervous system and the brain send signals. , the “feel good” hormone. This, in turn, can help you stay motivated to follow a healthy lifestyle.

6. Strengthens The Legs

As mentioned before, swimmers do flutter kicks to propel their body forward, which is why they have strong legs. Apart from targeting your abs, flutter kicks also engage and activate the muscles in your thighs. The more you use a muscle, the more wear and tear occurs. But instead of leading to muscle weakness, when you take rest/sleep, the muscles get rejuvenated and rebuild themselves into strong muscle fibers. In fact, when your muscles are strong, they have more mitochondria – organelles that generate energy and increase metabolism. So, by flutter kicking, you will not only lose the flab in your thighs but also strengthen and tone them.

7. Improves Posture

Most exercises help improve posture – and so do flutter kicks. Raising your legs off the ground, lying down with your spine on the mat, shoulders rolled back, and looking up at the ceiling will correct any slouching or bending. Remember, it is important to do flutter kicks with precision so that you don’t develop a bad posture or injure yourself.

8. Reduces Back Pain

Back pain is something that most of us suffer from. We sit too much, slouch, follow incorrect exercise steps, or do not exercise at all. Whatever the reason is, back pain should not be ignored. When you flutter kick, you raise your legs a little – this contracts the lower abs and stretches the back muscles and helps relax them. In the long run, flutter kicks can also help reduce back pain. Remember, you must consult your doctor before doing flutter kicks to reduce back pain to know the severity and prevent further complications.

9. Increases Flexibility

The flutter kick helps relax the various muscles it works on, such as the abs, glutes, and inner and outer thighs. This, in turn, improves your flexibility. Although you will not become a gymnast by merely doing flutter kicks, you will definitely be able to sit on the floor for a longer duration, do asanas with more ease, and not feel the tightness around your pelvic region and lower.

10. Improves Endurance

Flutter kicks also help improve muscle endurance. This will come with practice and commitment to your exercise routine. As you advance, you will not feel the burn with 3 sets of 25 flutter kicks. Challenge yourself by increasing the repetitions or set a timer to do flutter kicks for one minute straight without taking a break. These are the 10 benefits of doing flutter kicks. Before I conclude, let me share some tips to do flutter kicks correctly.

Tips To Do Flutter Kick Exercise Correctly

Doing an exercise correctly is more important than doing more reps or sets. Do the flutter kick to reshape and strengthen your lower body. It will make you look and feel good. Start today. Cheers! Which is better: leg raises or flutter kicks? It depends on what you’re aiming for. Leg raises make for a wholesome lower body workout whereas flutter kicks work more on our lower abdominal muscles. How many flutter kicks a day? 2-3 sets of 10-20 repetitions for each leg is a good amount of flutter kicks per day. Can you do flutter kicks in bed? You can if the bed is firm enough with the right support. What’s the difference between flutter kicks and scissors? Scissor kicks are more commonly included in HIIT programs and are more advanced than flutter kicks.