To help you know more, we have done all the required research and summed it up to know how much watermelon is just right. Scroll down.

Side Effects Of Watermelon

There are several components in watermelon that can cause side effects. Here are some of the side effects of this delicious, juicy fruit are:

1. Intestinal Disturbance

Watermelons are rich in lycopene. So, do not consume watermelon in large quantities. It may lead to nausea, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion and gas. These symptoms can be worse among older people, as the digestive system tends to weaken with age.

2. Cardiovascular Disorders

Watermelons contain high level of potassium. Consuming potassium enriched food in large quantities can lead to cardiovascular problems. Some of the cardiovascular problems that can occur are absent or weak pulse, irregular heartbeats, cardiac arrest, etc. It may also affect the motor control and nervous system of the body.

3. Not Good For Diabetics

When an individual is insulin resistant, then the blood sugar level tends to stay put in the blood. It does not enter into the cells of the body. When there is a shortfall of glucose in the cells, then more amount of insulin is manufactured. Both the blood and the sugar remain in the blood, which can affect the triglyceride levels in the body. Watermelon, full of natural sugar, can cause a spike in the sugar levels of the body. That is why diabetics should avoid consuming watermelon.

4. Fall In The Blood Pressure Level

Excessive consumption of watermelon can lead to a dip in the body’s blood pressure level. If a person suffers from low blood pressure, it is best to consume watermelon occasionally.

5. Allergic Reactions

Consuming watermelon can also cause allergic reactions in some people. They are severe or mild rashes, anaphylaxis and facial swelling. People who are allergic to carrots, latex and cucumber, can easily develop allergic reactions to watermelon.

6. Avoid During Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes is a common, yet serious health issue that plagues many pregnant women. Consuming large quantities of watermelons increases blood sugar level, which leads to gestational diabetes. So, pregnant women should stop eating watermelon for a few months if they are prone to gestational diabetes. Better safe than sorry!

7. Loose Stools

Watermelon contains a special type of sugar, called sorbitol. People, who are intolerant to sorbitol develop loose stools and gas on consuming watermelon.

People, who consume watermelon in large quantities, may develop nerve, muscle, and kidney problems.

9. Impotence

Eating too much of watermelon may cause impotence and erectile dysfunction in men.

10. Fatigue

The weak functioning of the kidneys reduces the purification and excretion of harmful substances from the body, which leads to swelling of the legs. Consumption of excessive watermelons can increase the water quantity in the body. If the excess water is not excreted from the body, then it can lead to an increase in the volume of blood. This may further worsen the swelling as well as lead to exhaustion and fatigue. When should you not eat watermelon? Check out the infographic below to learn more about the adverse effects of excessive watermelon consumption. There is no particular time when it is inappropriate to eat watermelon. How much is too much watermelon? The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 recommends having 2 cups of watermelon a day. Consuming above this amount may lead to adverse effects. Reference: 1 , 2