11 Benefits Of Banana And Milk Diet

Banana’s Benefits 

Milk’s Benefits

Combined Benefits Of Banana And Milk

You may use the banana and milk diet to either gain weight or lose weight. Discussed below is how to follow the banana and milk diet for both.

How The Banana And Milk Diet Aids Weight Gain 

To gain weight, you must increase your calorie intake. Banana and milk provide all the nutrients required to gain weight – protein for building lean muscle, carbs for energy, and calcium and phosphorus for stronger bones (1), (2), (4). You also need sunlight for vitamin D synthesis, which helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The nutrition chart below makes it clear why banana and milk is a good combination for weight gain. Consume two glasses of banana milkshake twice a day (use one large banana and a cup of whole milk to prepare it). Along with banana milkshake, consume these high-calorie foods to gain weight. Follow a healthy diet chart to build lean muscles and strengthen your bones. You may also consult your doctor and consume weight gain supplements. If the banana and milk diet is good for weight gain, how can it aid weight loss? Find out in the next section.

How The Banana And Milk Diet Promotes Weight Loss

The banana and milk diet for weight loss was developed by Dr. George Harrop in 1934 for people with diabetes. You need to follow this diet for 3 days. You can only consume 2-3 bananas and 2-3 cups of full-fat milk 3 times a day when you are on this diet. You must limit your total calorie intake to 1000 calories per day. Remember, this is a fad diet and is NOT meant for long-term weight loss. To lose weight, we recommend consuming full-fat milk. Research proves that full-fat milk aids weight loss better than low-fat milk (8). You may have  banana before or after consuming milk or consume banana milkshake. Along with banana and milk, consume other protein-rich and fiber-rich foods that will help you shed the fat quickly without making you feel starved. Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated and flush out toxins. Here’s a sample banana and milk diet chart:

Banana And Milk Sample Diet Chart For Weight Loss

How This Diet Chart Works

Fenugreek seeds help improve glucose metabolism (9).  Water hydrates your body and reduces toxin build-up (10). Green tea has antioxidant properties that help scavenge the free oxygen radicals and increase thermogenesis (11), (12). Almonds are rich in healthy fats that help reduce cholesterol (13). For lunch, have a banana and a cup of milk to keep your calorie count low. Freshly pressed juice will provide your body with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. If you choose to drink coconut water, it will provide your body with natural electrolytes and keep you hydrated (14). Have a small cup of sautéed vegetables along with banana and milk for dinner so that you don’t feel hungry soon and give in to your late-night food cravings. Here are a few more tips to make the banana and milk diet work for you.

Tips To Make The Banana And Milk Diet Work For You

If you want to lose weight with the banana and milk diet, you must also do some light exercises. Do not opt for HIIT or weightlifting as you will be on a very low-calorie diet. You can do yoga and meditation. Avoid refined sugar, aerated drinks, packaged foods and drinks, fried foods, and unhealthy snacks. You can make banana and milk smoothie and add chia seeds, ground flax seeds, nuts, protein powder, cocoa powder, or chocolate syrup (if you want to gain weight). Drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

Sleep for 7-8 hours.

Keep the stress away by not worrying too much about your weight. Stop this diet immediately if you feel weak and consult a doctor for further advice. Follow a healthy diet and exercise to maintain weight and stay fit and active.

Some Points Of Caution

If you want to use the banana and milk diet to lose weight in an emergency situation, keep these points in mind:

Initially, one might feel a bit weak as the calorie intake gets drastically reduced during this diet. The weakness is not very difficult to manage, but if it gets tough, you can consume one proper meal per day. Women should not follow the banana-milk diet when they are menstruating. This diet lacks minerals like iron, zinc, copper, and some vitamins that are quite important during this period. But if it is imperative that you follow the diet during this time, make sure you have some vitamin and mineral supplements. The banana-milk diet plan should not be followed for more than 3 days as some of the vital elements required for the body are missing in it. Following this diet for 3 days can help you lose around 2 kg of body weight. If you want to lose more weight, take a gap of about one week before doing another round of this diet plan.

Can you eat a banana and drink milk? Check out the infographic below to learn more about the health benefits associated with bananas and milk. Yes, absolutely! You can consume them separately or combine them to drink a delicious glass of milkshake. Do banana and milk increase weight? Banana and milk help to increase weight. Make sure you consume two glasses of banana milkshake and other weight gaining foods. Are banana and milk a combination good for health? Yes, banana and milk are good for health. However, if you have lactose intolerance, avoid consuming milk. It is best to talk to your doctor before going on the banana and milk diet. Can we drink banana shake at night? It is best to avoid consuming a banana or banana shake at night. You may catch a cold. However, if you are not prone to catching a cold, you may consume banana shake at night. Is there any side effects of eating banana and milk together? According to Ayurveda, bananas and milk are incompatible, and consuming them together may affect digestion and aggravate respiratory disorders like sinus, cold, and cough. Does eating bananas with milk increase height? Both bananas and milk contain essential nutrients that may promote proper growth and development in children. However, height and growth also depend on genetics and other factors. Can I eat bananas with milk before workout? Yes, banana and milk or banana smoothies are great pre-workout food as they are easy to digest and potassium in bananas prevents muscle cramps. Are bananas and milk good for hair growth? Bananas and milk are rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fibers which nourish hair and strengthen the follicles. However, no study shows a correlation between bananas, milk, and hair growth. Are bananas and milk good for elderly people? Yes. The potassium in bananas may help regulate blood pressure, and the calcium in milk may strengthen the bones.