If you have scalp psoriasis, keep reading to learn more about this issue and how you can treat it with natural solutions. But first, we will start with a brief overview of this skin condition before moving on to the most effective treatments for it. Scroll down!

What Is Scalp Psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis is common skin disorder that affects many people. Those suffering from this condition develop reddish and scaly patches on their scalp. There can be a single patch present or multiple patches can also develop. This condition can also easily spread from the scalp to other areas such as back of the neck, forehead or even behind the ears (1).

What Causes Scalp Psoriasis?

The exact cause of scalp psoriasis, or any other type of psoriasis, is still not clear. But it is believed to be a result of an abnormality in the immune system. This abnormality may cause the cells in our skin to grow rapidly but these aren’t shed at the same rate. As a result, patches form on the surface of the scalp. A genetic predisposition may be responsible for this. Another factor that can cause psoriasis to flare-up is stress (1, 2).

Scalp Psoriasis – Signs And Symptoms

Patches or bumps on the scalp (usually pink/red) Silvery-white scales Scalp dryness Flaky skin that resembles dandruff Inflammation or burning sensation Bleeding (from scratching the scales) (3, 4)

These symptoms may not all be present at the same time and may be present intermittently. Although there is no cure for this skin disorder, there are other remedies that can help treat it and control the flare-ups that often occur. The following are the best remedies that scalp psoriasis patients can try out to get relief.

Home Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis

Top Scalp Psoriasis Home Remedies

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup water Q-tip

What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this twice a week.

Why This Works

Apple cider vinegar is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This can help reduce the soreness and irritation of the affected skin. Its antiseptic properties can also help to prevent any infections from developing on the scalp (5, 6).

2. Aloe Vera For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

1/4 cup aloe vera gel 6-8 drop lavender oil

What You Have To Do

You can also use aloe vera gel by itself to treat scalp psoriasis.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this twice a week on the affected skin.

Why This Works

The soothing properties of aloe vera give relief from the itchiness and irritation. Its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants help to reduce the swelling and treat the skin condition faster (7).

3. Coconut Oil For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

2-3 teaspoons virgin coconut oil

What You Have To Do

For faster results, add a few drops of an essential oil to coconut oil before applying it. Best essential oils that benefit scalp psoriasis patients are lavender oil, tea tree oil, neem oil, and peppermint oil.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this twice a week.

Why This Works

Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for scalp psoriasis which gives outstanding results. This will give your skin relief from the symptoms and lock the oil’s nutrients in your skin, preventing the dry patches from spreading or recurring (8). If you do not have coconut oil handy, there are many alternate oils that can be used for scalp psoriasis. These include castor oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, mustard oil, hemp oil, and vitamin E oil.

4. Epsom Salt For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

1 tablespoon Epsom salt Shampoo

What You Have To Do

Mix the salt with your regular shampoo and rinse your hair and scalp as usual.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this every time you wash your hair.

Why This Works

Epsom salt can do wonders for the treatment of scalp psoriasis. It helps soothe itching and infiltrates scales and plaques to give you relief. The dry skin will also be exfoliated by the salt (9).

5. Glycerin For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need


What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once or twice a week depending on the severity of your patches.

Why This Works

Glycerin is a great humectant and emollient (10). It locks in moisture and treats the dryness and flakiness.

6. Ginger For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

1 teaspoon dried ginger herb 1 cup hot water 1/2 teaspoon honey 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Drink 1-2 cups of ginger tea every day.

Why This Works

Ginger detoxifies the blood and has anti-inflammatory effects on scalp psoriasis. It also contains antimicrobial compounds that will prevent infections (11).

7. Shea Butter For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

Shea butter

What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once or twice a week.

Why This Works

Shea butter is full of rich triglycerides (fats) that deeply condition and moisturize the scalp. Dead, flaky skin will be easily shed and the skin will be left supple and hydrated. This butter extracted from the nuts of the shea tree is also rich in vitamin A and vitamin E. It can be used for the treatment of scalp psoriasis and also general psoriasis patches on the rest of the body (12, 13).

8. Witch Hazel For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

2 tablespoons witch hazel extract 4 tablespoons water

What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Do this once a week.

Why This Works

Witch hazel has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that are key properties to treat skin conditions like psoriasis (14). Symptoms like itching sensation, flaky skin, and irritation can be reduced to a great extent.

9. Yogurt For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

1/2 cup plain yogurt

What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once a week.

Why This Works

Yogurt helps to reduce itching by moisturizing the skin. It also exfoliates the dry and dead skin cells from the psoriasis bumps (15).

10. Baking Soda For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

1 tablespoon baking soda 1 cup water

What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Do this once a week.

Why This Works

The antifungal properties of this powder that is commonly used for baking cakes can help reduce the intensity of the psoriasis patches. It can reduce the inflammation at the affected sites as well (16, 17).

11. Coal Tar For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

Coal tar shampoo OR coal tar gel

What You Have To Do

Use this product as directed by the manufacturer.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this as often as recommended on the product packaging.

Why This Works

The tar can help slow down the excessive skin cell production that is seen with psoriasis. The scaly texture of the skin will slowly return to normal. It can also give relief from itching and reduce the swelling (18).


Tar may not suit everybody. It is known to irritate and redden the skin. Conduct a small patch test to ensure your skin is not sensitive/allergic to it before using it for your problem. It is also advised not to step out in the Sun before 20-24 hours after using this remedy as tar makes your skin prone to sunburns.

12. Dead Sea Salt For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

1 tablespoon Dead Sea salt 2 cups water

What You Have To Do

How Often You Should Do This

Do this once a week.

Why This Works

This salt is famous for its beneficial effects for a variety of skin disorders. It is calming and soothing for the itchy and irritated scales of scalp psoriasis (19). Here are some frequently asked questions about scalp psoriasis answered for you. Please note that you should avoid using it on bruised or damaged skin no matter what solution you choose. It is best to avoid scratching and make the most of these at-home remedies. However, if your symptoms worsen, you should consult a doctor for other treatment options. Is Psoriasis Contagious To Others? Psoriasis is a skin condition that is characterized by the presence of scaly and itchy patches on the skin. It is not contagious! You cannot contract the disease by touching an affected person. What Foods To Eat And What Foods To Avoid For Scalp Psoriasis? Some recommended food items include – • Omega-3 fatty acids sources like fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna), olive oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, avocados, and flaxseeds. Fish oil supplements can also be taken for scalp psoriasis treatment. • Vegetables like carrots, spinach, kale, broccoli, squash, and sweet potatoes • Fruits such as mangoes, blueberries, strawberries, figs, and oranges • Eggs as they rich in vitamin D • White meat, low fat dairy, soy-based products, and legumes • Avoid these food items that are known to be pro-inflammatory – • Red meat • Processed food • Fried and fatty food • Dairy products • Food high in sugar • Nightshade vegetables like potatoes, bell peppers, and tomatoes • Gluten-containing items like wheat, barley, and rye Apart from following these diet recommendations, drink plenty of water every day. Have at least 8 glasses, if not more. This will help in treating scalp psoriasis as your skin stays hydrated from within at all times. Now that you know how to treat scalp psoriasis at home, you can do away with the strong medications that are generally prescribed by dermatologists to treat the condition. Natural remedies help not only in preventing the symptoms of scalp psoriasis but also benefit every aspect of your health as they do not have any side effects. What deficiency causes scalp psoriasis? Vitamin D deficiency can lead to scalp psoriasis (20). Ensure adequate vitamin D levels through intake of oral supplements, eggs, and exposure to sunlight. Is coffee good for psoriasis? Possibly not. Coffee was found to trigger psoriasis flare-ups in some, and those with psoriasis may want to avoid caffeine (21). However, the precise connection between caffeine intake and psoriasis still needs to be studied extensively. Does turmeric clear up psoriasis? Possibly. Curcumin, a key ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat many inflammatory conditions (22). In one study, individuals with plaque psoriasis reported fewer lesions and better quality of life following the use of a topical treatment containing curcumin extract (23). Does psoriasis worsen with age? No. While psoriasis may worsen based on several environmental circumstances, it does not aggravate with age.