2. Does She Flirt Exclusively With You?

Flirting exclusively with you signifies that she is attracted to you and wants you to reciprocate. She will make eye contact and drop hints that she is interested in spending time with you. She will smile often and be open to converse with you anytime. She likes you a lot if you find her staring at you or looking away shyly. Non-verbal communication, such as gently touching your arms or brushing your hand, reflects her interest in you. You will have her attention, and she will not encourage other men if she loves you sincerely.

3. Does She Always Speak Highly Of You?

She will lift you high when she talks about you to her friends and family, sharing your best traits and accomplishments. She will brag about you to her close ones because she sees the best in you. Her words will indicate how proud she is of you. Another way to ensure whether she loves you or not is knowing whether she has your back. She will defend you when people say negative things and talk bad behind your back. These actions show that she admires and loves you too much.

4. Are You Her Best Friend?

If a woman shares everything with you, she loves you truly and is comfortable opening up about her life to you. You will be her confidant, someone with whom she can share her deepest desires, dreams, and fears. If she considers you her best friend, she trusts you, and you are an important part of her life. If she pulls your leg, teases you playfully, shares fun memes or inside jokes, you both have a great connection, and she is fond of you.

5. Does She Go Out Of Her Way To Make You Smile?

When a woman tries to cheer you up or make you feel better, she cares and loves you. She does not want to see you unhappy. Appreciate the extra effort she puts in to see you smile. She will try to cheer you up with small but thoughtful gestures. Cooking your favorite meal, impromptu dates, or surprise gifts are all signs she hates to find you down. She makes you laugh and dotes on you, so your mood uplifts immediately.

6. Does She Worry About You?

We wish that the person we love is safe and secure. So, if she is concerned about your safety and well-being, you are in her heart. She will ensure that she is there for you when you are hurt. This is an obvious sign – if a girl loves you, she will care alot about you. Another sign is she takes care of you when you are sick. Preparing soup, taking you to the doctor, and making sure you are taking your medicines on time are all signs she cares about you tremendously.

7. Does She Show Interest In Your Personal Life?

If she pays attention to your friends and family, she values you and the people who mean a lot to you. She will be interested to know about your childhood, your best friend, and other personal details. She is the first person to know how upset you are at the family dinner or how you avoid that annoying cousin.

8. Does She Prioritize You?

The way a person treats you shows how important you are to them. So, if she makes time for you and sets you at the top of her priority list, she loves and values you a lot. She will always be there for you in times of need. You will never feel ignored, taken for granted, or as an option. If you find her putting her phone away when she is with you, she gives you all her attention and does not want any distractions.

9. Does She Respect You?

Respect forms the crux of any relationship. Little things like how she gives you space when you need to unwind or understands when you need to hang around with your guy friends show she values you. This means she is not insecure and respects your boundaries.

10. Does She Include You In Her Life?

Do all her close friends know about you? Are you often in her social media posts? Are you friends with her pets? If yes, you are an integral part of her life. If she loves you, you will be invited to important events and introduced to her pets, friends, and family. Her friends will give hints about how much she likes you, or they will tease her about you. She will introduce you to her parents if she is serious about you. This is a huge milestone and a way of letting them know you are important to her.

11. Does She Take The Initiative?

If a woman loves you, she will respond quickly to your texts or check on you randomly. It is a subtle way of showing how important you are or how much she misses you. Sharing funny memes or leaving cute post-it notes around the house are signs she loves you. She will initiate conversations and plan dates and vacations to spend time with you alone. She will give her input about what she wants to eat or where you should both travel for a vacation.

12. Does She Support You?

When a woman loves you, she is there for you emotionally. She will let you vent and rant about what is upsetting you. She will not judge and will believe in you even when you have given up. She will comfort you when you are going through a rough time. She will be a solid rock you can lean on when everything is crumbling. She will always encourage and support you to chase your dreams and goals. She will be your biggest cheerleader when she loves you. She will want the best for you and do everything to help you achieve your goals.

13. Does She Seek Your Counsel And Valuable Advice?

If she asks you for advice regarding her personal issues, she values your opinion. She will seek your guidance in big decisions such as buying a house, shifting to a new city, or quitting her job. This shows you are important to her. She will also share private details of her life when she loves you. She will trust you until the core and will be open with you.

14. Does She Tell You When You’re Wrong?

Those who love us will gently but firmly reprimand us when we are in the wrong. A woman who loves you will never stop correcting you when you are going astray. It can be bad company or any addictions you might have. She will try to help you by talking about these shortcomings openly. She may even organize discussions with your family and friends. When a woman loves you, she wants you to be happy and not suffer the consequences of a wrong decision.

15. Does She Hate Being Away From You For Long Periods?

No one likes to stay away from the people we love. A woman who loves you will miss being away from you, especially for long durations. She will express that she longs for you and wants to get back to you soon. You will always be on her mind. She will text or call you to tell you she is missing you.

16. Does She Celebrate Your Victories?

If she appreciates and celebrates your achievements, however trivial they may seem, she wants to see you succeed in every sphere of life. She will try to motivate and encourage you to do better. Words of encouragement, gifts, or dinner parties to celebrate your victories are sign that she adores, admires, and loves you.

17. Does She Accept You For Who You Are?

When a woman loves you, she will accept you for who you are. That is true love. She will not try to change your habits and behavior and understand you without judging. Your weaknesses and quirks will not come in her way of love for you.

18. Does She Talk About Future Plans That Include You?

If a woman includes you in her life plans and goals, she loves you truly. It can start with going to weddings as her plus one or moving in together. She can talk about trips she wants to go on together, like dream vacations, the house she wants to live in, or the number of kids she wants. These suggest that she considers you to be a part of her life for a long time.

19. Does She Show Signs Of Jealousy?

This is a subtle sign and has to be considered with caution. If a woman loves you, she will be jealous when you flirt or pay attention to other women. She wants to be the center of your affection and attention. You will notice that she may get a little nervous while you speak to other women. It is natural for people to get a bit jealous or upset when they see their potential partner with someone else.

20. Does She Blush A Lot When She Is With You?

If she blushes or gets shy when she is with you, it indicates that she likes you. She may avoid eye contact with you out of coyness or feel nervous or awkward around you. She may even become fidgety or clumsy initially in your presence.

21. Does She Mirror You?

Women are emotionally complex beings. They have several unique ways of expressing their feelings for you, and perhaps that is why you might feel they are difficult to understand. But there are some subtle tells. We have come up with this expert list of signs she loves you for your convenience. The clearest sign is in the thought she puts into her actions when it comes to you. However, do not take these actions as a window into her mind. A direct confession from her will always be the best way to be fully sure of her feelings. How do you tell if a girl cares about you over text? If she is curious about your health and daily activities and texts you whether you have eaten well and slept on time, she cares about you. How do you know if she’s interested in someone else? If she’s into someone else, you will notice her becoming less interested in you, changing her body language, and treating you differently. You may also notice your sex life taking a hit. Can a woman fall back in love with you? Yes, it is possible. Usually, when a couple avoids discussing a problem, their relationship becomes stale. So, falling back in love is a conscious decision. And while neither half of a couple can make everything perfect, you can unquestionably contribute to revitalizing your partnership when things go monotonous. You can listen to her, give her your full attention, and tell her how much you cherish her to make her fall back in love with you. What are the physical signs of love? Some physical signs that you are in love are flushed cheeks, sweaty palms, and your heart racing when you are around the person you love. What makes a girl fall for you? To make a girl fall for you, you must treat her well, respect her, pay attention to her, make her feel unique, be loyal, and know what not to say or do.