The range of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fats in this oil help address and prevent many skin and hair problems. This article explores the benefits of kukui nut oil for skin and hair and how to use it. Keep reading. Certified Nutritionist, Anju Mobin, says, “Kukui oil is produced in Hawaii by cold pressing the oil from the nut of the kukui tree.” Kukui nut contains a high percentage of oil (30-60%). The clear yellow oil is extracted by cold pressing the nuts or through the solvent extraction method. Each method yields a different amount of nutrients (2). Mobin adds, “Hundreds of years ago, Hawaiians used it to protect the skin of babies. It is believed to get readily absorbed by skin resulting in smooth, moisturized skin. In modern days, it has been used in various skin care cosmetics.” Its benefits go beyond skin care. Cosmetologist Ghanima Abdullah says, “Kukui nut oil has been known in Hawaiian and Polynesian cultures for its beneficial effects on hair. It is a staple in the hair care routine for both men and women in the islands.” Kukui nut oil contains various nutrients, which makes it beneficial for the skin and hair.

Kukui Nut Oil Composition

Kukui oil contains (3):

8.1% saturated fatty acids 15.3% monounsaturated fatty acids 43% linoleate 33% linolenate

Pure kukui nut oil goes rancid quickly because of linolenate, the most unstable fatty acid in the oil. That is why the oil is stabilized before using in cosmetic formulations. In cosmetics, fatty acids serve primarily as emulsifiers, which allow oil and water to blend well, remain stable, and thicken the creams and lotions (4). In addition, they also have multiple benefits. Continue reading to discover how kukui nut oil can benefit you.

Why Kukui Nut Oil Is A Must-Have

1. Repairs Dry Skin

Kukui nut oil contains saturated fatty acids that can repair the stratum corneum (top layer of the skin). The fatty acids moisturize the skin and form a semipermeable barrier to help the moisture get absorbed deep into the skin layers (3).

2. Boosts Hair Vitality

Abdullah says, “The most common use of kukui nut oil for our hair is as a moisturizing treatment. It is applied to dry, brittle, and damaged hair to add suppleness and softness. Kukui nut oil for hair can be used as a scalp treatment as it is non-comedogenic. It can also be used as a serum or moisturizer. It detangles hair and reduces frizz.”

3. May Heal Eye Burns

An animal study found that kukui nut oil could heal ocular burns, regenerate corneal epithelium (a barrier to protect the cornea), and reduce inflammatory cells (5). Some of the eye drops contain oil, which is often recommended for dry eyes. Kukui nut oil shows a promising effect in protecting the eyes. However, more human studies are required to evaluate its beneficial effects.

4. May Prevent Stretch Marks

Kukui nut oil is a part of Hawaiian folk medicine and is widely used as a massage oil to prevent stretch marks and relieve joint pain (6).

5. May Help In Wound Healing

Kukui oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid. Animal studies found that oral administration of linoleic acid could promote tissue repair and improve hydration and elasticity (7). The fatty acids present in this oil may also help prevent split ends, dandruff, wrinkles, and blemishes. Here is how you can incorporate kukui nut oil into your daily routine.

How To Use It

You can directly apply kukui oil to hydrate your skin or to revitalize your hair. Rub a small amount of the oil on your face or massage your scalp with it for the best results. You can follow the package instructions for proper usage. Its application is as varied as the benefits of this oil. You can blend kukui nut oil with other natural ingredients to make nourishing face masks and hair masks. Ghanima Abdullah adds, “Hawaii produces both kukui nut and coconut oil, and some like to mix kukui nut oil with coconut milk for a super-rich hair conditioner.” Both kukui nut and coconut oils are excellent hydrators. However, there are subtle differences between the two.

Kukui Nut Oil Vs. Coconut Oil

Ghanima says, “The main differences between the two products are that coconut oil is a heavier oil that sits on the surface of the hair. So, unless your hair has super texture, you won’t be able to apply coconut oil without rinsing it out. Kukui nut oil, on the other hand, can be added to tame frizz without weighing down your hair.” From a practical standpoint, coconut oil products are cheaper and easier to find than kukui nut oil. However, an important factor is that coconut oil is highly comedogenic and may clog the pores and aggravate acne, while kukui nut is not (8). However, you still have to be careful while using the latter.

Side Effects of Kukui Nut Oil

There is no data on whether kukui nut oil triggers allergic reactions. However, possibilities cannot be ruled out. Some users have experienced hives, itching, and red bumps on their skin after using the oil. Therefore, it is better to do a patch test to prevent allergic reactions. Ghanima Abdullah adds, “Like with any oil, if you apply too much kukui nut oil to your tresses, they will become greasy. Limit use to 3-5 drops on wet or dry hair.” Does kukui nut oil penetrate the hair shaft? The following infographic provides information about the various benefits and potential side effects of kukui nut oil. Take a look! Yes. Kukui nut or candlenut oil can penetrate the hair shaft and can keep the hair hydrated and healthy. Does kukui oil go rancid? Yes. Kukui oil is known to turn rancid pretty quickly. It has a shelf-life of 4-5 months if stored in an airtight container in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. Is kukui nut oil safe for dogs? Kukui nut oil is generally considered safe for pets for topical application as a moisturizer.
