Top 5 Chair Cardio Exercises For Burning Calories

Equipment Needed:

A flat-backed sturdy chair (without wheels)

Once the equipment is ready, proceed to the first exercise:

1. Seated Jacks:

Usually, we begin most routines with a round of jumping jacks for warming up. What is more incredible is that you can also perform seated jacks, which help you burn a good amount of calories without getting drenched in sweat. Directions:

2. Skater Switch:

This low-impact version of a side skater blasts calories while engaging the core, inner thighs, arms, and shoulders. Directions:

3. Leg Lift And Twist:

This routine is quite beneficial for your body. The leg-lift and twist tones your inner thighs, abs and quadriceps. Directions:

4. Hinge And Cross:

This routine is good for strengthening your abs and back muscles, while also working out your lower body. Directions:

5. Chair Running:

This is probably one of the funniest chair cardio exercises on this list. Running from the comfort of your chair might sound ludicrous, but this routine has been proven to work your arms, abs and legs while providing you with an excellent cardio workout. Moreover, with this routine, you can run even when you wear heels. Directions: Now, let’s check out some precautions you need to take to do these exercises safely.

Precautions To Take

Always choose a sturdy chair that does not shake or fall over easily. Don’t push yourself too hard during your workout. Aim for doing moderately intense exercises that leave you feeling a little out of breath and possibly a little warmer than usual. Avoid holding your breath when working out.

Why are chair exercises good for seniors? According to research, chair exercises are useful for maintaining and building strength in elderly adults and should be promoted as easy workouts that can be done anywhere (1). Can you lose weight by doing chair yoga? Yes, chair yoga and chair aerobics are good low-impact methods to include movement in your daily routine. Anecdotal evidence suggests that most people can burn between 120 and 250 calories in a 32-minute exercise session, which can be increased by including weights or resistance bands in their routine. How often should seniors do chair exercises? Studies suggest that adults should strive to engage in 150-300 minutes of medium-intensity aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening activities per week (2). Senior citizens should also practice balance exercises at least three times each week.
