What Are Crabs?

Crabs are terrestrial and aquatic creatures that are most commonly found in coastal regions. Similar to lobsters and crayfish, crabs are crustaceans that belong to the arthropod family. They have a hard outer shell that is made up of a protein called chiton and have four pairs of legs with two large claws. Male crabs are larger and meatier than female crabs. It is estimated that there are about 4500 species of crabs that can be found in both freshwater and saltwater. Blue crabs, king crab, and snow crab are some of the most commonly consumed varieties of crabs. Let us take a look at the nutrients of crab meat in the next section.

Nutritional Information

Crab meat is packed with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and selenium (1).

Crab Meat Nutritional Values Per 100g

From the above table, you can say that crab meat definitely packs a punch in the nutrition department. All of the minerals have numerous health benefits that will be discussed in the next section.

Health Benefits Of Crab Meat

Crab meat contains valuable nutrients like protein that is essential for building muscle (1). It is also rich in selenium and folate that are good for your health. If you are wondering, is crab meat healthy, the answer is, yes! Here are a few potential health benefits of crab meat in greater detail.

Improves Bone Health

Crab meat is rich in calcium and phosphorus that are essential for the formation and strengthening of bones. Studies suggest that consuming seafood like crab may help in reducing calcium deficiency (2), (3).

May Help Reduce The Risk Of Heart Diseases

Crab meat contains considerable amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that help in reducing the risk of heart diseases. It may also help in preventing obesity. Research shows that consuming food that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce LDL cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart issues (2).

May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease And Dementia

Seafood like crab meat contains long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and plasma fatty acids. Small studies suggest that eating seafood like crab may have a positive effect in reducing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (4). Further research is required to establish its effectiveness.

May Help Improve Eyesight, Reduce Inflammation, And Prevent Arthritis

Studies suggest that muscles and ovaries of certain crab species may help in improving eyesight and reduce inflammation. The presence of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in crab meat may help with inflammation and improve eyesight. It may also help prevent arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. Studies also suggest that a diet that is low in long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids may lead to neurological issues (5).

May Help In Weight Management

Crab meat also contains omega-3 fatty acids. Studies suggest that eating food rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help in curbing appetite (6). Crab meat contains zero carbs, you can add it to your low-carb diet to help weight loss (1). Crab meat as a delicacy is extremely popular across the world. Its great taste and potential health benefits make it a great culinary delight. While crab meat has certain potential health benefits, it also has a few downsides. In the next section, let us look at some of the possible risks associated with crab meat.

Potential Downsides Of Eating Crab Meat

There is limited research available with regards to the downsides of eating crab meat. However, here are some of them that are backed up by studies.

High In Sodium And Cholesterol

Crab meat is high in sodium and cholesterol. It has about 1070 mg of sodium and 53 mg of cholesterol per 100g, which is quite a lot. If you are hypertensive or a heart patient, it is advisable to avoid frequent consumption of crab meat and other food that is high in sodium. High sodium levels in your diet can raise your blood pressure levels that can become a factor for cardiovascular issues and stroke (1), (7).


Crab meat is definitely not cheap! In the USA, 1lb of canned crab meat can range anywhere from $53 – $150. In comparison to chicken and other meats, the meat-to-price ratio of crab meat may seem to be expensive.

Difficult To Eat

For someone new to crab meat, eating an unshelled crab may seem like a challenge. You will require a cracker or splitter that will help crack the shell and the claws to eat the meat. You would also have to apply the correct amount of pressure on the right joints of the claw to extract the meat. It can be quite time-consuming to eat a crab. If you’ve starved yourself in anticipation of a nice crab claw dinner, you might just end up feeling a whole lot crabbier. Having understood the potential benefits and side effects of eating crab meat, it’s time to whip some culinary delights.

Is the thought of juicy and succulent crab meat stirring up your appetite? Well, you may just want to hold on to that a wee bit longer. Here is a simple recipe for delicious butter garlic crabs:

Butter Garlic Crabs

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Ingredients Required

250 g crab meat 1 whole pod of garlic finely chopped 2-3 green chilies chopped 2-3 tablespoons of butter 1 tablespoon olive oil salt to taste ½ cup of water

Preparation Here is another easy crab soup recipe that you can make.

Crab Soup

Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Ingredients Required

200 g crab meat 2 cups of milk 2 cups heavy cream 6 tablespoons butter Salt & pepper for garnish 100 ml dry sherry

Preparation These recipes are sure to leave you smacking your lips and licking your fingers. Is crab healthier than fish? The following infographic provides information about the major benefits of crab. Check it out! Crab meat and fish (like salmon, one of the healthiest fishes) are equally nutritious. While crab meat is richer in vitamins and minerals with fewer calories, salmon is a better choice for omega fatty acids (1), (9). Can I eat crab every day? Possibly. While there is no standardized recommended daily intake for crab meat, you can eat it in moderation daily. Is crab good for the liver? There is no scientific evidence that consuming crab meat is good for the liver. Does crab make you sleepy? Seafood like crab meat is a good source of omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D, which have been reported to be related to sleep quality (10). Which crab is best to eat? Generally, a firm, succulent, slightly sweet crab that has long legs so it’s easy to eat is preferred. Crystal crab, blue crab, snow crab, and king crab are some of the best crabs to eat. Is crab good for fertility? Possibly. Crab meat is a good source of omega fatty acids, which may help boost sexual activity. A research study has shown that consumption of seafood a couple of times a week may help couples improve their fertility (11). Can diabetic people eat crab? Yes. Diabetic patients can consume crab meat in moderation safely. It is nutrient-dense and low in sugar and carbs, so it benefits your overall health (1).
