Tequila made with 100% agave offers many health benefits. What are they and what do experts say? Let us understand more in the following section.

Potential Health Benefits Of Tequila

1. May Promote Skin Health

The agave sap has been used to treat skin conditions for centuries (1). Brenda Peralta, RD, says that tequila may detoxify the skin. It is a natural astringent that helps clean pores (by removing dirt and oil) and tightens the skin.

2. May Promote Weight Loss

Studies suggest that agavins (a natural form of fructose) in tequila may accelerate weight loss (2). Brenda Peralta says tequila has a type of fiber (agavins) that may help promote weight loss. Fiber helps improve satiety and makes you feel fuller for longer. You may also consume fewer calories than your body needs. Besides, supplementing agavins in mice was found to promote factors that regulate appetite. This may help manage obesity and the associated metabolic disorder (3), (4).

3. Is Suitable For People With Diabetes

Anecdotal evidence suggests that people with type 2 diabetes may drink tequila moderately. Their blood glucose levels may not rise significantly because of the natural sugars present in agave. Agave may also have a positive influence on glucose control (5). Mary Wirtz, Clinical Registered Dietitian, says tequila does not contain carbohydrates and, therefore, does not have added sugars. As a result, many individuals with diabetes may find it easier to control their blood sugar when enjoying an alcoholic beverage tequila versus a drink like beer, margarita, or sweetened hard beverages (like hard lemonade) that may be high in carbohydrates.

4. May Promote A Healthy Gut

Brenda Peralta, RD, says tequila has prebiotics that may promote a healthy gut. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients (oligosaccharides) that can stimulate the growth and/or activities of probiotics (lactobacilli or bifidobacteria) in the colon (6). This way, prebiotics modify the microbial balance in the gut and improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract (7). However, more studies are warranted on the potential health benefits of the prebiotics in tequila. Note: Excess alcohol intake is linked to gastrointestinal diseases. So, moderate intake is advised.

5. May Promote Heart Health

Anecdotal evidence suggests that tequila helps the body get rid of bad cholesterol. This could eventually lead to lower triglyceride levels. The agavins in tequila may play a role here. However, many studies suggest that alcohol intake is directly linked to heart disease (8). Though these studies do not specify tequila clearly, they indicate the potential negative effects of alcohol intake. Hence, consuming in excess must be avoided. What nutrients does tequila offer? How much alcohol does it contain? We answer these in the following section. Read on!

Nutrition Information About Tequila

One shot of tequila contains (9): Wondering how tequila is made? Listed below are the steps involved in its preparation. Take a look.

Tequila: How It’s Made And Its Types

How Tequila Is Made

Harvesting: The agave plant is harvested every 7 to 10 years. A big bulb called pina (or the heart) is grown deep down. The leaves are removed and the bulb is taken out from the ground. Cooking: The pina is baked in ovens until its starch content is converted into sugar. Earlier, pinas used to be baked traditionally in pits. Extraction: The baked pina is crushed using roller mills to extract sugary sap. Fermentation: Water and yeast are added to the extracted juice in big stainless steel tanks to convert the sugars into alcohol. Distillation: The agave syrup undergoes distillation twice. This process purifies the sweet liquid. Aging: The tequila is aged in oak barrels for about two to three months.

Types Of Tequila

Tequila Blanco: It is also called silver tequila. It is aged for about sixty days in big stainless steel tanks. Tequila Joven: It is also popular as golden tequila. It has many additives like caramel, glycerin, and syrup, and contains a very small amount of aged tequila. Tequila Reposado: It is aged for about two months in American barrels to get a soft oak flavor, which enriches its taste. Tequila Anejo: It is aged in white French oak barrels for at least a year. This gives a robust spirit and a little oak flavor. Extra Anejo: It is aged for about three years and has a moderate flavor.

Tequila may have certain health benefits. But does that mean you can drink it every day?

Can You Drink Tequila Shots Every Day?

As many researchers suggest, tequila may offer health benefits only if consumed in moderation. However, taking tequila shots every day may not be suitable for all. It may lead to short-term and long-term risks (9). Brenda Peralta, RD, says, “You can drink a shot of tequila daily to get all the benefits it provides. However, if you start depending on it during the day, I would recommend having it once in a while.” Tequila can be addictive. Hence, caution is advised. After all, tequila too contains alcohol and may pose potential risks. Know more in the next section.

Possible Side Effects

1. May Increase The Risk Of Cancer

Alcohol intake may increase the risk of major gastrointestinal cancers, including esophagus, stomach, and colon cancers. The risk worsens with increased alcohol intake coupled with other lifestyle habits like smoking. Besides, alcohol-induced gut inflammation may increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, and neuroinflammation (10).

2. May Elevate Blood Pressure

Excess tequila intake (more than five standard drinks in a single sitting) may affect blood pressure. The beverage is associated with a transient increase in blood pressure (BP) that ranges from 4 to 7 mmHg for systolic BP and 4 to 6 mmHg for diastolic BP (11). Systolic BP measures the pressure on the walls of arteries when the heart beats while diastolic BP measures the pressure between heartbeats.

3. May Increase Risk Of Depression And Anxiety

Drinking alcohol affects the brain in many ways. Excess alcohol intake may evoke feelings of sadness (depression) during intoxication. This develops into anxiety during the hangover and withdrawal stages. An individual who consumes large quantities of alcohol regularly may develop temporary anxiety and depressive symptoms. These may intensify as the consumption increases (12).

4. May Cause Allergies

Anecdotal evidence suggests that those allergic to agave plants may experience allergies upon tequila intake. These include stinging, itching, swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, diarrhea, and nausea or vomiting. Occasionally, anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) may also occur. Alcoholic drinks are not meant for everyone. Even moderate intake may pose health risks for some. Continue reading to know who should not drink tequila.

Who Should Not Drink Tequila?

Those habituated to binge drinking Pregnant women and lactating mothers Youngsters Those on long-term medications for certain conditions (as tequila may interact with medications)

Is tequila good for your stomach? Learn more about the traditional cocktail recipes made with tequila and how you can make them at home. Check the infographic given below. Possibly, but in moderation. Anecdotal evidence suggests that tequila may aid digestion. It can boost your metabolism before a meal, and it can improve digestion afterward. Will tequila help you sleep? Possibly. The effect of drinking alcohol on sleepiness has been shown in several studies. However, excessive drinking may lead to sleep disorders (13). Is tequila a Superfood? No. Tequila is not nutritionally dense and excess consumption may lead to many health disorders. Is tequila healthier than wine? No. Wine, red wine to be precise, is healthier than tequila. Red wine is packed with beneficial antioxidants that may provide benefits when consumed moderately (14). Is tequila healthier than vodka? Yes. Compared to other distilled spirits like vodka, rum, or whiskey, anecdotal evidence suggests that tequila is a healthier choice since it has fewer impurities and more agavins (that make it a healthier choice). Is tequila good for your joints? Possibly. Agave, from which tequila is made, contains fructans that may help boost mineral absorption, thereby preventing bone loss and improving bone formation (15). Is tequila a fat burner? Possibly not. While tequila may help boost satiety due to the presence of agavins and may help lose weight, it may not act as a fat burner. Is tequila easy on the liver? Possibly not. Excessive consumption of tequila may lead to alcoholic liver disease (ALD) (16).
