What Are Dried Dates?

Dried dates are an excellent source of energy and contain many vitamins and minerals. They look hard due to their low moisture content and are often used in Indian households. Dried dates have a strong flavor due to the presence of concentrated nutrients. They contain fiber, calcium, and vitamin C that keep you healthy and are available easily in stores around the world.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Dry Dates?

1. May Aid Digestion

Dried dates contain soluble and insoluble fibers, which can increase the secretion of digestive juices and enhance the absorption of foods. They also contain beta-d-glucan that can promote a feeling of satiety and prevent overeating while improving nutrient uptake and relieving symptoms of indigestion (1). The dietary fiber in dry dates is known to treat constipation effectively. Fiber can keep your colon clean by increasing the amount of fecal matter from your large intestine and act as a laxative to facilitate the movement of bowel within your body (2).

2. May Improve Cardiovascular Health

Consumption of dried dates may improve cardiovascular health. Dried dates are low in fat and, like all plant foods, contain no cholesterol (3). They are known to control low-density lipoprotein (or bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream, thereby improving your heart health. Apart from this, dried dates are low in sodium and a rich source of potassium, which makes them beneficial for keeping your blood pressure in check (4). Thus, they may help maintain your cardiovascular system.

3. May Boost Energy

Dried dates are rich in natural sugar (glucose and fructose) (5). This natural sugar helps provide energy to the body. It, thus, keeps you physically fit and healthy to perform your day-to-day activities. These dates are a good source of carbohydrates and can provide a major energy boost at any time of the day (6).

4. May Help Maintain Bone Health

Dried dates are an excellent source of calcium, which is an important element for keeping your bones strong (7). They help prevent calcium deficiency, which is a leading cause of osteoporosis and arthritis (8). Some anecdotal evidence suggests that the consumption of dried dates helps strengthen the muscles of the heart, uterus, and the overall body. Pregnant women should consume dried dates regularly as they can strengthen the uterine muscles and make childbirth easier. However, more long-term research is required to understand this benefit of dried dates.

5. May Help Tackle Anemia

Dates are a good source of iron, one of the most vital minerals in your body (9). Iron is a major component of hemoglobin. It plays a key role in maintaining the number of blood cells as well as regulating the flow of oxygen in the body (10). However, more long-term research is required to understand this effect of dried dates in humans.

6. May Improve Skin Health

Dried dates contain vitamin A (retinol), which is helpful in maintaining skin health (11). It prevents breakouts and promotes natural moisturizing, which helps hydrate your skin. Consequently, you get healthy and glowing skin (12). Dates are said to possess anti oxidative properties that help fight against skin aging (13). The vitamins C and K found in dried fruits can help improve skin quality and appearance, reduce inflammation, and eliminate some signs of aging, such as wrinkles and blemishes (14), (15), (16). However, more research is required to validate this benefit of dried dates.

7. May Help Treat Hair Problems

Research is limited with regard to dried dates and their effect on hair. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that the vitamins and minerals available in dried dates help in maintaining a healthy scalp, which further strengthens the hair roots. The iron, calcium, and vitamin C in dried dates may contribute to the healthy production of hair and reduction in inflammatory conditions that can cause hair loss and dandruff. Also, the presence of vitamin B5 in dates may help provide nourishment to the hair roots that make your hair stronger. Now that you know all about the benefits of dried dates, let’s check out their nutrition profile.

Dried Dates – Nutrition Profile

Dried dates have a unique nutritional profile as they are unusually high in calories. They also contain vitamins C and K, calcium, B vitamins, and iron along with trace amounts of various other minerals and antioxidants (17). They also have all the essential minerals like iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper, without which your body’s cells cannot perform their regular activities. Confused about which dates to go for – fresh or dried? Check out the next section to find out.

Fresh Vs. Dried Dates

Dried dates have low moisture and stay edible for almost 5 years if stored properly, whereas fresh dates have a shorter shelf-life of 8 to 10 months due to their moisture content. Dried dates are commonly found in many countries as they are easy to export and store. Both dried and fresh dates can be stored in the freezer or refrigerator. Dried dates may resemble a large raisin or a long wilted grape. The dehydration process causes this wrinkling of the skin. Fresh dates are plump and firm available in red and black colors. They have fewer wrinkles than dried dates. Let us take a look at some of the side effects of consuming dry dates.

Side Effects Of Dry Dates

While limited intake of dried dates is safe, overconsumption may lead to the following adverse effects.

Bloating, constipation and gas Weight gain Hyperkalemia (high level of potassium) Allergic reaction

Pregnant women and lactating mothers should consult a doctor before consuming dates. We will take a look at some of the simple tips to select and store dry dates.

How To Select And Store Dry Dates

There are many varieties of dates but you should keep these points in mind while shopping for these delicious snacks. Ideally, look for dates that are plump and shiny. Avoid dates that have white spots on them and are hard to touch. Dried dates are easily available in your local grocery store, farmer’s market or online. Ideally, you must store dates in an airtight container in a cold and dry place at room temperature and can be used up to 2 months. You can also store dates in the refrigerator between 6 months to 1 year. This allows the dates to retain their freshness and flavor.

How do you eat dried dates? Dry dates can be eaten out-of-hand or may be pitted or stuffed with fillings, and using them in recipes like oatmeal, salads, and smoothies. Who should not eat dates? Dates are high in sorbitol, which can improve bowel movements. Hence, people with diarrhea, IBS, or other sensitivities should avoid the intake of dates. How many dates can we eat per day? Having 100 grams or a handful of dates is recommended for eating. Although, the quantity may differ from person to person based on their calorie needs. How are dry dates made? Dry dates are prepared by keeping the dates on the tray outside in the sun for several days. Are dates anti-inflammatory? Yes, dates contain anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce swelling in different areas of the body (18), (19). Can an individual with diabetes consume dates? Yes, dates have a low glycemic index, which makes them ideal for consumption for people with diabetes (20).