Natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome greatly help in managing the condition. However, it is always best to choose a remedy that best suits your body. IBS is becoming increasingly common as approximately 11% of the population globally is affected by the condition (1). Continue reading to learn more about IBS, its management, and the available treatment options. This condition is also known as spastic colitis, nervous colon, and mucus colitis. IBS is a chronic condition, but its symptoms may change with time. The cause of irritable bowel syndrome is unclear. However, the following factors are often associated with this syndrome.

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Factors that may have an important role to play in triggering IBS include:

Diet choices – Certain foods like chocolate, alcohol, milk, caffeine, etc. can worsen the symptoms in some individuals. Environmental factors like stress Hormonal changes Problems with the nervous system – Certain problems with the nerves in your digestive system Severe infections like gastroenteritis Changes in the microflora of your gut

What Are The Risk Factors For Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Some factors can also increase your risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome. They are:

Age – It is more common in those below 50 years of age. Gender – Females are more likely to be affected. Family history – If any of your close family members had IBS, you are also quite likely to develop it. Mental disorders – Disorders like anxiety and depression may also put you at a higher risk of developing IBS.

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, you are quite likely to exhibit some of the following signs and symptoms.

Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The symptoms of IBS may vary from one individual to another. The most common ones include:

Irregular bowel movements Bloating and excess gas Abdominal cramps accompanied by pain Passing of mucus via the rectum or while passing stool Sudden and urgent need to use the loo

Most of these symptoms usually worsen post eating. A flare-up may follow and last for about 2-4 days before the condition begins improving. Certain symptoms may also affect other body parts and mimic other conditions. Such symptoms may include:

Fatigue Pain during sex (in women) Increased urinary frequency Bad breath or halitosis Joint/muscle aches Irregular menstruation

Most of the above symptoms are quite common to both men and women, other than the signs associated with sexual intercourse and menstruation. If you can relate to the above symptoms, it is better to get yourself tested for IBS to rule out other underlying conditions.

Test For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

There is no specific laboratory or imaging test to diagnose IBS. Your doctor is likely to begin with the analysis of your complete medical history. This may be followed by a physical examination and tests like a stool test, upper endoscopy, breath test, X-ray, etc. to rule out the possibility of other medical conditions. Once the other conditions have been ruled out, your doctor may use any of the following diagnostic criteria for IBS:

Manning Criteria – It focuses on incomplete bowel movements, mucousy stool, changes in the consistency of the stool, and pain that eases upon passing stool. The more symptoms you exhibit, the greater the chances of IBS.

Rome Criteria – It includes abdominal pain and discomfort that occur on an average of at least once a week in three months. This symptom may be further diagnosed with any two of the following factors – discomfort and pain while passing stool, changes in bowel movements, or changes in the consistency of stool passed.

Type Of IBS – To prescribe the appropriate treatment, IBS may be classified into any of the three types depending on your symptoms: constipation predominant, diarrhea predominant, and mixed.

There is no cure for irritable bowel disease. The prescribed treatments usually aim at alleviating the symptoms of the condition.

IBS Medical Treatments

Treatment can help ease IBS symptoms and enable you to live as normally as possible. One of the main ways to manage IBS symptoms is to alter your diet and stay away from foods known to trigger a reaction. We will have a detailed discussion about diet tips for IBS patients later. Some medications may also be prescribed by the doctor depending on your symptoms. They include:

Laxatives – To treat constipation symptoms Fiber supplements to help with mild constipation Antidiarrheal medications Pain medicines SSRI or Tricyclic antidepressants to help depression while also helping with pain and constipation Anticholinergic medications like dicyclomine (Bentyl) to help painful stomach cramps and diarrhea

Some medications that are specifically prescribed for IBS patients are:

Alosetron (Lotronex) – It helps to relax the colon and is often prescribed to women with severe diarrhea that doesn’t respond to other treatments. It should not be taken by men and is associated with an array of side effects.

Linaclotide (Linzess) – It promotes secretion of fluid in the small intestine and helps relieve constipation. It may cause diarrhea in some cases.

Eluxadoline (Viberzi) – It helps ease diarrhea but is associated with side effects like nausea, mild constipation, and, in some cases, it can also trigger a condition called pancreatitis.

Lubiprostone (Amitiza) – It is often prescribed for women with IBS and constipation. It is only prescribed in case of severe symptoms when the patient doesn’t respond to other treatments.

As we mentioned, diet also has a significant role to play in treating IBS symptoms. The following section discusses some useful diet tips for IBS patients.

Diet For IBS

Those with IBS will be advised to reduce the intake of certain foods from their diet (2):

Foods That Cause Gas – Carbonated drinks, alcohol, and certain fruits and vegetables like apples, prunes, pears, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. can also aggravate symptoms of bloating and gas.

Gluten – People with IBS were observed to show improvement upon stopping the intake of gluten, even if they did not have celiac disease.

FODMAP Diet – Some individuals with IBS are sensitive to carbohydrates like fructans, fructose, lactose, and others known as FODMAPs — fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols. Such carbohydrates are commonly found in grains (wheat, spelt, semolina, barley, rye), fruits (apples, cherries, mangoes, figs), veggies (asparagus, Brussels, cauliflower mushrooms), and dairy.

IBS patients must increase the intake of certain foods to help ease the symptoms:

High-fiber foods like grapes, berries, leafy greens, eggplant, and zucchini. Gluten-free foods like oats, quinoa, millet, and buckwheat. Nuts Seafood like salmon and tuna Lean meat and other protein-rich foods like eggs, tofu, beef, and poultry.

Now that you have a fair idea about what constitutes the perfect diet for IBS, let us look at some additional remedies that can help manage IBS symptoms. Listed below are some of the best home remedies that can help treat IBS symptoms effectively with minimal side effects.

7 Natural Remedies To Treat IBS Symptoms

1. Peppermint Oil Capsules

You Will Need Peppermint oil capsules What You Have To Do Consume 180-200 mg peppermint oil capsule daily for about 6 months. Consult a doctor for the correct dosage. How Often You Should Do This You can take 1-2 capsules daily. Why This Works Peppermint oil can relieve the general symptoms experienced by IBS patients and improve their quality of life (3). This could be due to its anti-inflammatory activities. Caution Patients experiencing severe constipation, diarrhea, gallstones, or GERD must avoid taking peppermint oil capsules.

2. Probiotics

You Will Need Probiotic supplement What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You may take this 1-2 times daily or as advised by your doctor. Why This Works According to a study published in the World Journal Of Gastroenterology, probiotics exhibit a beneficial effect on IBS symptoms and can be used to alleviate them (4).

3. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine therapy that uses one or multiple needles on specific acupuncture points all over the body to provide relief from disease symptoms. This therapy is a great option for treating the symptoms of IBS (5). However, you must avail this therapy only from a trained acupuncture professional.

4. Slippery Elm

You Will Need

1 tablespoon of slippery elm powder 1 cup of boiling water Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You may drink this 1-2 times daily or as prescribed by your physician. Why This Works Slippery elm powder is an herbal remedy that helps in treating inflammatory bowel disease with its antioxidant nature (6). This makes it an effective remedy to manage the symptoms of IBS.

5. Artichoke Leaf Extract

You Will Need Artichoke leaf extract supplement What You Have To Do Consume artichoke leaf extract supplement daily after consulting your doctor for a suitable dosage. How Often You Should Do This Consume this based on your physician’s advice. Why This Works Artichoke leaf extract can help in treating IBS symptoms and improving the quality of life of the patients. It was found to be as good or even better than other existing treatments for managing IBS symptoms (7).

6. Aloe Vera

You Will Need 2-4 ounces of aloe vera juice What You Have To Do Consume 2-4 ounces of aloe vera juice once daily. Consult a doctor before doing so to be sure that this remedy doesn’t interfere with any other medications that you are on. How Often You Should Do This You can drink this once daily or as prescribed by your physician. Why This Works The intake of aloe vera juice can help to alleviate the symptoms of IBS. These benefits could be due to its anti-inflammatory and laxative effects. However, this remedy should only be used for short-term treatment (8).

7. Triphala

You Will Need Triphala supplement What You Have To Do Consume Triphala supplement daily. Talk to your health care provider to find the correct dosage of Triphala for you. How Often You Should Do This You may take this on a daily basis, preferably between meals. Why This Works Triphala is an herbal concoction that is made of three therapeutic plants native to India, namely, amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties exhibited by this concoction make it an effective treatment option for managing IBS symptoms (9). Now that you know all about the natural hacks for managing irritable bowel syndrome, how about some tips to prevent its symptoms from recurring often?

How To Manage IBS

Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep and rest. Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Quit smoking. Manage your stress levels. Limit your dairy intake. Eat smaller meals more frequently instead of large meals.

Did you find this post informative? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. Is IBS fatal? Learn from the infographic about the most common triggers of IBS symptoms to find out ways to mitigate them. No. However, IBS is long-lasting as it does not have a conclusive cure. Can I get IBS from eating gluten? No. However, gluten can aggravate IBS, and IBS patients are recommended to avoid it from their diet. Is IBS contagious? No. IBS is neither contagious nor inherited. What are the complications of IBS? According to anecdotal evidence, some of the common complications of IBS are sleep disorders, mood disorders, diarrhea or constipation, and generally poor quality of life. What is the prognosis for IBS? IBS can have a good prognosis. IBS tends to last for a long time and the symptoms may recur. Having strict control over your diet and other related lifestyle parameters can help manage IBS. Which types of doctors treat IBS? Primary care physicians and specialists such as gastroenterologists handle patients with IBS.
