What Is Tinnitus?

It could involve hissing, ringing, roaring, clicking, whooshing, or whining. Tinnitus is often only a perception of one of these sounds when there is no external cause. It is a phantom sound that only the person suffering can hear. Some people experience tinnitus temporarily. It could be right after they walk out of a blaring concert. But when it is chronic, it is a high-pitched sound that is heard in one or both ears. If you suffer from tinnitus, your cognitive function could be affected, and your attention span might reduce. While these are its effects in the day, you could be sleepless at night if you suffer from tinnitus. Some of the major causes of tinnitus are as follows:

  1. Stress 2. A stiff neck or stiff jaws 3. Joint disorders in the jaws 4. Low blood circulation in the brain 5. Accumulation of earwax 6. High levels of cholesterol in the blood 7. Cardiac ailments 8. Infection in the ear, nose or throat 9. Stiffening of the middle bone in the ear 10. Allergies

How Does Yoga Help Decrease The Effects Of Tinnitus?

Yoga has a solution to almost all the causes mentioned above. It helps enhance the circulation of blood throughout the body and reduces stress and strain. Yoga stimulates the organs, removes toxins, and protects the body against infection and allergies as it improves immunity. It also helps to lower cholesterol and keeps you’re being in shape and healthy. Yoga helps relax the muscles around the head and neck, and this helps to reduce the noise caused by the condition. Let us dig a little deeper and figure out the connection between yoga and tinnitus. Do bear in mind that while yoga helps reduce the loud, high-pitched sound, you will have to seek medical assistance to cure tinnitus.

8 Effective Asanas In Yoga For Tinnitus

1. Trikonasana

Also Known As – Triangle Pose Benefits – Trikonasana instantly sends a gush of fresh blood to your head and neck as your head hangs on one side. The muscles in that area are relaxed, and it is possible that you will instantly feel your ears pop and open up. This reduces the ringing sounds. How To Do It – Place your feet apart. Raise your arms such that they are parallel to the floor, with your palms facing downwards. Turn your left foot at a 45-degree angle, and the right one at a 90-degree angle. Your heels should form a straight line. Twist your body to the right, extend the upper body and bend towards the floor. Touch the right foot with the right hand, and extend your left arm in the air. Look at your left hand. Hold and release. Repeat on the other side.

2. Padangusthasana

Also Known As – Hand To Big Toe Pose Benefits – This is another asana that allows an anti-gravity flow of blood to your head. It reorients the fluids in the ear canals and gives symptomatic relief. You feel refreshed and energized almost instantly. The additional flow of blood to your head clears out all the blocks in your ears, nose, and throat brings in greater nutrients to fight the viruses and helps in alleviating the discomfort. How To Do It – Stand straight and place your hands on your hips. Inhale. Then, allow the spine to move forward and bend your hip as you exhale. Your fingers should reach for your big toes. Use your middle finger, index finger, and the thumb of each hand to hold the respective big toes on each side. The feet must be parallel to each other. Push your torso forward as you extend the stretch and lift the tailbone. Hold for a few seconds and then release.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also Known As – Downward Facing Dog Benefits – This asana lengthens the spine as it strengthens the whole body. The circulation of blood and spinal fluid is enhanced throughout the body. Cholesterol is reduced, and toxins are cleared out. Your head (ears, nose, and throat) is worked upon and oxygenated through this asana. How To Do It – Come on to all fours. Lift your knees off the ground and straighten them. Your feet should be flat on the ground. You could take two steps back. As you do that, move your arms a few steps forward, so as to create an inverted ‘V’ with your body. Your hips should be higher than your heart, and your head lower. Let your head hang as you hold the pose for a few minutes . Release. To know more about this asana, click here: Adho Mukha Svanasana

4. Ustrasana

Also Known As – Camel Pose Benefits – This asana is extremely beneficial for the throat and the heart chakras. All the blocks in these chakras are worked upon and removed with regular practice. Since tinnitus is an ENT problem, when the blocks in the throat chakra are cleared, the ears also benefit. This asana also increases the flow of blood in the head and neck. How To Do It – Sit in the Vajrasana. Lift your hips and raise your body such that the hip muscles and calf muscles are perpendicular. Open up your chest and lean back. Reach your arms for your feet, making sure your arms are stretched out. Gently hang your head as you gaze at the back. Hold the pose as you take long, deep breaths. Release.

5. Gomukhasana

Also Known As – Cow Face Pose Benefits – This asana relaxes the body and enhances the circulation of blood. It helps in overall well-being. When you sit erect in this position, your throat chakra is worked upon. With regular practice, the pain and sounds in the ear reduce. This asana also helps you focus out of the discomfort area as well. How To Do It – Sit in the Dandasana. Fold your left knee and bring your left knee next to your right hip. Stack your right knee over your left knee as you bend the right knee and bring the right foot near the left hip. Straighten your back. Then, lift your left arm and bend it at the elbow, and reach for your left fingers behind your back. Bend your left arm at the elbow and reach for your right fingers at that back from below. Set your gaze forward. Hold the pose. Release, change sides, and repeat. To know more about this asana, click here: Gomukhasana

6. Bhujangasana

Also Known As – Cobra Pose Benefits – Bhujangasana works towards opening your chest and throat. It helps to remove toxins or energy blocks in these areas and increases the flow of fresh blood. Your ears benefit, the sounds reduce, and you can focus and concentrate better. How To Do It – Lie flat on your stomach, with your legs stretched out and feet facing down. Place your elbows by your side, and lift your chest, placing the partial body weight on the hands while creating the lift from the tricep area of the upper arms. Inhale deeply, and exhale strongly.

7. Viparita Karani

Also Known As – Legs Up The Wall Benefit – At the outset, this asana is extremely relaxing for you. It promotes circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body. It is a great stress reliever that also works on your throat chakra. How To Do It – Sit across a wall and gently raise your legs up the wall. Lie down gently and stretch out your arms to the sides, making sure your palms are facing upwards. Once you are comfortable, close your eyes and breathe. Release after a few minutes. To know more about this asana, click here: Viparita Karani

8. Matsyasana

Also Known As – Fish Pose Benefits – The Matsyasana is a highly beneficial pose. It works on many systems collectively. It works on the throat chakra and sends blood to your brain, ears, and throat. It is also a stress reliever. How To Do It – Lie on your back and cross your legs in the Padmasana. You can also keep your legs stretched out while practicing this pose. Gently curve your back such that your head rests on your crown. Feel the curve in the upper back and neck. Hold for a few seconds and release. What vitamin deficiency causes tinnitus? Studies found that vitamin B12 deficiency could be related to tinnitus and taking supplements may help (1). However, multiple factors may cause tinnitus and it is best to consult a doctor to determine the cause. Where do you massage for tinnitus? You may massage the area around your ear, jaw, and neck to relieve tinnitus. However, this may not help cure the issue and you must visit a doctor for treatment. Is there any cure for tinnitus in Ayurveda? Although anecdotal evidence suggest that Ayurvedic treatments can help manage tinnitus, further research is needed to establish the claims. Is running good for tinnitus? No. You must avoid jarring movements and activities that require running and jumping as this may worsen your condition.
