Your body needs a basic diet and nutrition to optimally maintain all its processes. In this article, we discuss the reasons for a loss of appetite and how you can keep your digestive fire burning with the help of some home remedies and natural tips and tricks. Read on to know more.

What Causes Loss Of Appetite?

Loss of appetite can be temporary or long-term. The leading causes of a poor or absent appetite are:

Emotional distress Depression Hormonal imbalance Breakdown of relationships Debilitating illnesses Eating disorders

Here are some simple home remedies for increasing appetite in children and adults.

How To Increase Appetite Naturally

Home Remedies To Increase Appetite

1. Pure Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a caloric sweetener that may help stimulate hunger. Syrups with added sugars increase hunger signals in your system, promoting increased caloric intake, which may lead to weight gain (1). However, these syrups not only provide fewer nutrients but also lead to nutritional deficiencies. Note: Although this remedy helps promote hunger, it doesn’t support a healthy metabolism.

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup 1/2 liter lemon juice 1/2 liter water 1/2 teaspoon white vinegar

Consume this 2 times daily.

2. Spices

Abdominal fullness or bloating can reduce your appetite. In such cases, carminative herbs and spices like cinnamon, black pepper, peppermint, thyme, etc. can reduce bloating and increase your appetite (2). Cinnamon/Black pepper/Peppermint/Oregano Repeat this daily.

3. Coriander

Coriander is a commonly used herb in most Indian cuisines as it is known to treat indigestion. Coriander juice helps in the release of gastric enzymes, which, in turn, improves appetite. Coriander extracts helped increase appetite in rat studies (3). However, more studies are warranted on humans to understand the mechanism.

½ cup coriander leaves Water

Repeat this every alternate morning.

4. Fennel Tea

Fennel seeds act as appetite boosters in adults and children. They stimulate the production of bile by the liver, thus promoting digestion. Studies show that fennel seeds can enhance food consumption and motivation to eat in rats (4).

1 teaspoon fennel seeds ½ teaspoon fenugreek seeds 2-3 cups water

Drink this tea 1-2 times daily. Caution: Consult your doctor before using this remedy for toddlers and infants.

5. Ginger And Coriander

Ginger is perhaps the most widely used appetite stimulant. Ginger juice works wonders for poor appetite. The administration of a ginger beverage increased appetite and promoted weight gain in rats (5).

Coriander seeds powder Dried ginger powder 100 ml of water

Drink this herbal concoction every day.

6. Carom Seeds

Carom seeds are commonly used in Indian cooking to aid better digestion. Carom or ajwain, taken with lukewarm water once a day, will work wonders for your alimentary canal. Besides acting as an anti-flatulent and antacid, it also helps in the secretion of digestive enzymes that stimulate your hunger (6).

1 teaspoon carom seeds A cup of warm water

Ingest the carom seeds with warm water. Do this once during the day, preferably in the mornings.

7. Vitamins To Increase Appetite

B vitamins are commonly used to increase appetite in adults, toddlers, and infants. They help to release energy from food and promote a normal appetite. A deficiency of any of the B vitamins can cause poor appetite and unhealthy digestion (7). The recommended intake of these vitamins depends not only on the age but also on other medical conditions of the person. Consult your doctor to test for any deficiencies that may be causing loss of appetite. If a deficiency is confirmed, supplementation with B vitamins is recommended to increase the appetite. Note: Do not give any supplements to infants and toddlers without consulting a doctor.

8. Fish Oil Supplements

Studies show that fish oil supplementation may help increase appetite in both adults and children (8), (9). It also reduces bloating. Note: It is important to consult your healthcare provider before taking these supplements or giving them to children.

9. Yoga Or Other Exercises For Appetite

Healthy exercise habits are the best way to regain a lost appetite. Yoga can help you to a great extent in this aspect. Practice yoga for 30-45 minutes every day for a healthy body and improved digestion. Some poses that can help to increase your appetite are:

Surya Namaskar – This 12-step routine activates all the main muscle groups of the body and regulates all internal processes. Kapalbhati Pranayama – This breathing yoga exercise regulates digestion and increases appetite. Paschimottanasana – The Forward Bending Pose is good to relieve digestive problems and improve appetite. Pawanmuktasana – This pose helps eliminate constipation and other digestive problems, thus increasing your appetite.

Gaining better control over your daily routine can help a lot in improving your appetite. Sleep and wake up on time, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, avoid too much snacking between meals, follow proper meal times, and think positive. Here are some medicines that can increase your appetite. However, talk to your doctor about the associated benefits and risks before taking these medicines.

Medicines To Stimulate Appetite

1. Megestrol Acetate

It is a synthetic derivative of progesterone. It is prescribed to boost appetite and treat anorexia or cachexia (unexplained significant weight loss caused due to chronic diseases) (10). Caution: Megestrol acetate has side effects like loss of libido, flatulence, chest pain, etc. (11). Hence, do not self-medicate. Consult a doctor for the appropriate dosage.

2. Oxandrolone

Oxandrolone is a synthetic derivative of testosterone. It is prescribed to increase appetite and help you regain lost weight after surgery, chronic infection, or severe trauma (12). Caution: Unregulated use of this drug can lead to life-threatening liver conditions (13).

3. Dronabinol

It is a form of synthetic cannabis. It is prescribed to treat loss of appetite caused in people with AIDS. It is also given to treat severe nausea caused by chemotherapy (14). Caution: Possible side effects of this drug include raise in blood pressure, dizziness, mood swings, etc.(15). Here are some tips you can follow to stimulate your appetite naturally.

Tips To Increase Your Appetite

What part of the brain controls your appetite? Check out the infographic below to learn the top 5 remedies to increase your appetite naturally. The hypothalamus controls your appetite and satiety. It coordinates the utilization of the energy produced by the digestion of food and regulates food intake (17). What does it mean when you have no appetite? When you have no appetite, it means that you do not feel hungry and do not have the urge to eat. Is loss of appetite a sign of anorexia? Yes, loss of appetite is a sign of anorexia, but only in cases where it is consistent over a long period. It also results in extreme weight loss and reduced immunity. Can pneumonia cause loss of appetite? Yes. Among the many symptoms and after-effects of pneumonia, loss of appetite is a common symptom. Does magnesium increase appetite? No. According to a study, magnesium inhibits appetite, reduces food consumption, and lowers body weight. It is probably due to the stimulation of cholecystokinin by magnesium, which inhibits eating behavior (17). Does CBD increase appetite? According to a recent study conducted on 2,409 CBD users, 6.35% of them reported experiencing more hunger than usual (18). However, more research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD on appetite. Does vitamin D increase appetite? Vitamin D can boost serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that influences everything from mood to sleep control (19), (20). Serotonin may play a role in appetite control by increasing satiety, decreasing body weight, and decreasing calorie intake (21).
