This condition is a result of pressure on or stretching of the ulnar nerve (also referred to as the funny bone nerve). The ulnar nerve is located in a groove called the cubital tunnel that runs along the inner side of the elbow. Listed below are the main causes responsible for causing cubital tunnel syndrome.

What Causes Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

Factors that could be triggering cubital tunnel syndrome include:

Pressure on the ulnar nerve from leaning the arm on a hand rest or other similar events Leaving your elbow bent for a long duration Stretching of the ulnar nerve due to a bent elbow Repeated snapping of the ulnar nerve while moving the elbow

Individuals affected by cubital tunnel syndrome may experience the following signs and symptoms.

Signs And Symptoms

Weakness in the hand Weakness or soreness in the forearm Numbness (loss of sensation), tingling, pain, or ‘pins and needles’ sensation in the little and pinky fingers

All these symptoms usually occur when the elbow has been kept bent for a long time. It is highly recommended that you avail treatment for cubital tunnel syndrome at the earliest before its symptoms turn severe and give rise to complications. Hence, it is important to get yourself diagnosed. [ Read: 15 Physical Therapy Exercises For Tennis Elbows ]

How Is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed?

The doctor will ask you about the symptoms you have been experiencing. The main diagnosis is usually made right after the signs are noted and a physical examination is carried out. Radiography and electromyography can help in diagnosing cubital tunnel syndrome (1). In some cases, you may also be tested for other medical conditions like diabetes or thyroid disease. Nerve testing may also be carried out to find out how much the nerves and muscles have been affected due to the syndrome. This testing can also help identify a pinched nerve in the neck, which causes similar symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome, one of the first steps you must take is to avoid any action that can aggravate your symptoms. The common medical treatments that can be availed for treating this condition are discussed below.

Medical Treatments

Your doctor may ask you to wear a brace or splint to prevent the elbow from bending any further. You may also be asked to visit a hand therapist to find ways that can help you avoid exerting pressure on the ulnar nerve. If the affected person exhibits severe symptoms, surgery may be suggested to relieve any pressure on the nerve. The surgery is intended to release the nerve, move the nerve to the front of your elbow, or even remove a part of the bone (2). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), elbow pads, physical therapy, pulsed signal therapy, and corticosteroid injections are commonly used to treat cubital tunnel syndrome (1). You can also give the natural remedies listed below a shot to manage the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome.

How To Treat Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Naturally

1. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can be great for those affected by cubital tunnel syndrome. Muscle hypertonicity is one of the causes of this condition, and thus, a self or professional massage of the inner triceps may help in managing the symptoms of the syndrome. [ Read: 14 Body Massage Oils And Their Benefits ]

2. Hot Or Cold Compress

A cold or hot compress You can do this multiple times daily. Cold packs can help numb the pain in the affected area and also facilitate healing. Similarly, hot compresses can improve blood flow in the affected area, thereby alleviating pain and speeding up recovery (3), (4).

3. Essential Oils

a. Peppermint Oil

2-3 drops of peppermint oil 2 teaspoons of coconut oil

You can do this 2-3 times daily until you notice an improvement in your condition. Menthol, the active component of peppermint oil, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, the topical application of peppermint oil can alleviate the frequency as well as the degree of pain in the affected muscles (5).

b. Lavender Oil

2-3 drops of lavender oil 2 teaspoons of coconut oil

You can do this multiple times daily. Lavender oil possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the pain and soreness associated with cubital tunnel syndrome (6).

4. Vitamins

Vitamins B6 and C may help in alleviating the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome. Supplementation with these vitamins exhibited a positive impact on those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, which is similar to cubital tunnel syndrome but affects the median nerve in the wrist (7). Hence, these vitamins could also work similarly for the latter condition. However, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before taking any additional supplements.

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine that can help in the treatment of various medical issues. It involves inserting very thin needles at specific points through the skin. It can also help improve the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome as well as electrophysiological functions (8). In addition to these remedies, some exercises may also help in the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome.

Exercises For Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Certain nerve gliding exercises for the arm and hand may benefit those affected by cubital tunnel syndrome. They include: To know how to do these exercises, click here. Can the cubital tunnel go away on its own? Yes, cubital tunnel syndrome may go away on its own if you stop the activities that are causing it. However, it is best to consult a doctor instead of waiting for it to go away. What kind of doctor should I see for cubital tunnel syndrome? You can consult an orthopedist to get treatment for cubital tunnel syndrome. It will be better if you see someone who specializes in elbows and wrists. Does a neurologist treat cubital tunnel syndrome? Yes, a neurologist can also treat cubital tunnel syndrome. Do compression sleeves help cubital tunnel? Yes, compression sleeves can help cubital tunnel syndrome by providing external support and aiding circulation in the area.
