What Is The Source Of Castor Oil?

Castor oil is a viscous and pale yellow oil obtained by pressing the seeds of Ricinus communis plant. It has a distinct taste and odor and is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (1). The yellow oil is replete with necessary nutrients like Vitamin E and minerals. It boasts of amazing anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties (2). It is mostly used as a food preservative, additive, in candies, and in packaging (3). It is known to stimulate hair growth and act as a laxative (4), (5). Castor oil offers a wide range of health benefits, and you can use it in several ways. Many pharmaceutical companies are using it as a component to manufacture various medicines ranging from preventing fungal infections to chemotherapy. It is also an essential ingredient to make popular cosmetics and soaps. One of the significant benefits of this oil is that it can help you shed that stubborn flab. People who have hit a plateau in terms of their weight can add castor oil to their diet. Soon, they will be inching towards being fit from fat! These therapeutic properties make it a secret natural ingredient to achieving good health and fitness. Castor oil works by stimulating your body to get rid of extra water (reduced water retention) and toxins, leaving the fat as it is (3). Hence, castor oil may be only useful for losing weight for a short period.

How To Use Castor Oil For Weight Loss?

Orally consuming three teaspoons or one tablespoon of castor oil may help lose weight. It may act by suppressing your appetite, thereby reducing your food intake. However, there is limited research in this regard. It may also boost fat metabolism by improving bowel movement (6). It can alleviate the problem of water retention in your body and help you lose weight – at least a few pounds (3). It is a potent laxative, and hence, you should not use it over a long period. Excessive consumption of castor oil can lead to an electrolyte and fluid imbalance in the body (4), (7). It also can irritate your gastrointestinal tract (3). So, here’s how to use castor oil for weight loss.

1. Oral Consumption

Take two to three teaspoons of castor oil before breakfast. Many people do not like its taste. So, you can mix it with some juice. Soon after consumption, you will find yourself rushing to the toilet, as it will facilitate your bowel movement. You can continue this regimen for a week and check your weight. You will surely be successful in losing weight with castor oil. Do not prolong the intake of castor oil, as it can cause serious health problems like weakening of the colon and chronic constipation.

2. Topical Application

Warm a tablespoon of castor oil over medium flame. When the oil is warm, but not hot, massage it on your abdomen. The topical application may help you burn excess fat in the belly region. Also, indulge in some form of physical activity for effective weight management. However, there is insufficient evidence to prove that castor helps burn belly fat. Application of castor oil may also help tighten and rejuvenate your sagging skin, be it post-pregnancy or otherwise. Now, let me come to the burning problem that many of us face. Belly fat! Nothing is as stubborn as tummy fat, and you must get rid of it as it is the mother of a host of other diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc (8). Here’s how you can use castor oil to get rid of belly fat.

How To Use Castor Oil To Lose Belly Fat?

You can use castor oil topically to burn the stubborn fat in the abdominal region. Be it post pregnancy, binge eating or lack of exercise, belly fat is unflattering. Here is what you need to do to get rid of belly fat and chisel your tummy.

1. Castor Oil Wrap To Lose Belly Fat

What You Need

3 tablespoons castor oil Plastic wrap Hot water bag A piece of flannel to cover your belly A rolled towel

How To Use

2. Castor Oil & Cranberry Juice To Lose Belly Fat

What You Need

15 ml castor oil 1 cup cranberry juice

How To Prepare


You can consume castor oil to lose tummy fat.

3. Castor Oil & Ginger Tea To Lose Belly Fat 

What You Need

1-inch ginger root, crushed 1 green tea bag 1 tablespoon castor oil 1 cup water

How To Prepare

Apply these methods to lose weight and to lose tummy fat. Castor oil has other benefits as well. Let’s find out what they are.

Other Amazing Benefits Of Castor Oil

1. Detoxification

Consumption of castor oil can help in the detoxification of the body besides weight loss. When you ingest castor oil, it starts stimulating the digestive organs responsible for the waste removal. Purging the toxins from the body helps keep the body healthy.

2. Antimicrobial Properties

When you add a dash of castor oil to your diet to lose weight, you can also enjoy its antimicrobial properties (2). It will help keep fungal infections at bay. You may also experience a remarkable decrease in pain (analgesic properties) and itching (9), (10). The oil may also reduce blockages like abnormal masses and lymph.

3. Helps Reduce Acne

Castor oil is rich in vitamin E, which possess anti-inflammatory properties. Since acne is caused due to inflammation caused by bacterial infection, consuming or applying castor oil may reduce acne (11), (12).

4. Prevents Constipation

Castor is a laxative and can help improve bowel movement and flush out toxins. It is great for those who suffer from constipation on a regular basis. Consume castor oil with apple juice in the morning (13).

5. Boosts Immunity

When applied topically, castor oil boosts the immune cells or the T-11 cells. These promote the formation of antibodies that fight against foreign pathogens (14).

6. Prevents Hair Loss

Castor oil, when applied on hair, may prevent dandruff, dry scalp, patches, etc. which are the leading causes of hair loss. Also, massaging the scalp with castor oil promotes thicker and longer hair. You can also mix castor oil with coconut oil, apply on the scalp and leave it on overnight. Use castor oil two to three times a week for better results. However, more studies are warranted in this regard owing to limited research.

7. May Delay Skin Aging

Castor oil, when applied topically, stimulates collagen and elastin production. However, there is insufficient evidence to back these claims. It also moisturizes the skin, thereby preventing the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. The antioxidants in castor oil help scavenge free oxygen radicals, which, in turn, help to keep the skin young and healthy (2). It is clear that castor oil is of great help. But where can you find the best castor oil that’s pocket-friendly as well? Find out next.

Where To Buy Castor Oil?

You can buy castor oil online or at any of the local Ayurveda stores. Check the label for directions of usage. If it says you should not consume it, then you must look for good brands that sell edible castor oil.

What Are The Best Brands Of Castor Oil?

Dabur Erand Tail (Castor Oil) Humdard Castor Oil Pure Organic Cold Pressed Castor Oil USDA Certified Majestic Pure Castor Oil Organic Castor Oil 100% USDA Certified Pure Now Foods Castor Oil

Like everything else, castor oil also has a few side effects. Scroll down to know more.

Castor Oil Side Effects

Consuming more than the recommended dosage of castor oil can be dangerous. Here’s what it can cause (3), (4), (15), (16).

Diarrhea Muscle cramp Dizziness Nausea Gastrointestinal irritation Skin rashes Ricin toxicity

Safety Precautions

Consult your doctor before consuming castor oil for weight loss. To consume castor oil, buy edible-grade castor oil. Do not consume castor oil for more than 7 consecutive days.