How To Do A Foot Spa At Home: Step-By-Step Guide

Before you start, you need to gather the equipment and ingredients you will need for a foot spa. Here’s what you need:

A big plastic tub (big enough to soak your feet) Warm water A jar of marbles (optional but can be used for foot massage) Towel Salts (a tablespoon of Epsom or sea salts) Essential oils (lavender, peppermint, or lemongrass oils) Powdered milk (2-3 tablespoons) Almond oil (1 tablespoon) A handful of rose petals (optional) A foot scrubbing brush or a foot scrub Moisturizer

If you want to give yourself a pedicure, you will also need:

Nail clippers Cuticle pusher Nail polish remover Your favorite nail paint

Let’s begin.

1. Set Your Environment

When you go for a foot spa in the salon, it is not only the procedure that relaxes you. The relaxing spa environment plays a huge role in shaping your overall experience. Pick a comfortable place. You may light a few aromatic/aromatherapy candles. This will enhance your sensory experience. You may also play relaxing music.

2. Prepare A Foot Soak

Put the marbles in the tub and prepare a warm soak by filling it with warm water. Mix the salts in the water. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil to it. If you are using a mix of oils, make sure to use 10-15 drops in total. Add the rose petals (if any). Mix the powdered milk and almond oil. This helps to soften your feet. (We have shared some foot soak recipes later in the article. Don’t forget to check them out!) Let your feet soak in the warmth of the water for at least 15-20 minutes. Until then, you can relax, lean back, and put on a sheet mask or just read a book or sip your favorite drink.

3. Exfoliate Your Feet

After 15-20 minutes of soaking and relaxation, it is time to get to work! If you are using an exfoliation brush, scrub your feet with it gently, especially the heels. You can also use a pumice stone if you have hard skin and calluses on your feet. If you are using a foot scrubbing cream, apply the scrubber all over your feet and scrub thoroughly for 5 minutes. Wash it off with the warm foot spa water in the tub.

4. A Gentle Foot Massage

This is where the marbles will help. Place your feet on the marbles and roll them back and forth. If you don’t have marbles, don’t worry. Use your hands to give yourself a massage. You can also use a store-bought massager.

5. Moisturize Your Feet

After the massage, rewash your feet in the water and pat them dry with a towel. Apply moisturizer all over your feet. If you are going to stop here, put on your socks, and you are done. However, if you want to do a pedicure, follow the next steps.

6. Treat Your Feet To A Pedicure

Clip your nails using a nail clipper. Use the cuticle pusher to push away and clean the cuticles. Once done, apply a base coat of transparent nail polish and then apply your favorite nail polish. Wait for at least 45 minutes or until the nail polish dries before you wear your socks. Here are some foot soak recipes that you can try.

DIY Foot Soak Recipes For Foot Spa

1. Chamomile Foot Soak

For this soak, use

3-4 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers or 6 chamomile tea bags 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil 3 tablespoons of raw honey

2. Coconut Milk Foot Soak

For this foot soak, use

1 cup of coconut milk 10 drops of any essential oil

3. Clay Foot Soak

For this foot soak, use

2 cups of bentonite clay 10 drops of rosemary essential oil

4. Coffee Foot Soak

For this foot soak, use

2 cups brewed coffee (coffee mixed in hot water) ½ cup Epsom or sea salt 1 cup raw honey

5. Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak

For this foot soak, use

¼ cup apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon olive, almond, or coconut oil 10-15 drops of essential oil(s) of your choice

A foot spa is an effective way to relax your feet and keep them clean, healthy, and happy. It also has several other benefits.

Benefits Of Getting A Foot Spa

1. It Keeps The Skin Healthy

Cracked heels and calluses on the feet can be irritating and unsightly to look at. Regular foot spas help you get rid of cracked heels and hardened skin on your feet as they soften the skin and keep it moisturized.

2. It Keeps the Feet Soft

When you soak and moisturize your feet during the spa, it seeps deep into the skin. This keeps your feet youthful and soft for a long time.

3. It Soothes Your Feet Muscles

Soaking your feet in warm water mixed with salts and essential oils reduces soreness and tiredness. It warms them up and loosens tension in the muscles. This also helps to improve the blood circulation in your feet (1). However, make sure you do not soak your feet too long to avoid the natural oils being washed off resulting in dry skin eventually. Is a home foot spa worth it? Yes, a foot spa at home is a relaxing and cost-effective way of pampering your feet after a tiring and stressful day. Is it good to soak your feet in hot water? Yes, soaking your feet in hot water can boost circulation, soothe pain, and soothe your tired feet.
