So, let’s dive deep and explore how to fix a broken marriage. Scroll down to save your relationship from divorce and act the right way during a crisis in marriage.

5 Ways To Fix A Broken Marriage

1. Remind Yourself What Made You Fall In Love

Take some time to ponder why you fell in love with your spouse. Think of the good ol’ days. Return to the basics and remind yourself of the initial spark to heal your broken marriage. Jot down what you adored about your significant other that made you choose them as a life partner. Surprisingly, you may find your partner’s best traits are still there, but boredom and busy schedules have made it hard to get in touch with them. Do not lose sight of what made you interested in them. Instead, make a conscious effort to reflect on those lovely memories to lift your spirits and feel hopeful about the relationship. Try to keep the love and closeness consistent; otherwise, you will lose the fire after reaching a comfortable stage of togetherness and find yourself drifting apart.

2. Identify The Broken, Damaged Zones

Have you ever wondered what made your marriage feel broken? Did stress of responsibilities weaken your bond? Why did you both grow apart? Identifying the root cause of a broken marriage is the first step to fixing it. Understand where things went wrong and identify the issue plaguing your marriage. Underlying triggers such as constant arguments, lack of respect, jealousy, or resentment are signs of a broken marriage. Consider the following reasons why things went south:

Communication gap Lack of care, affection, and appreciation Keeping secrets and not being friendly anymore Infidelity

Lack of communication and not expressing your true feelings can damage your bond and make your relationship feel pointless. This can also lead to trust issues, fragile connections, and unfriendly behaviors. Loss of care and affection also stems from keeping secrets and poor conversations. Therefore, strengthen your listening and speaking skills not to make your spouse feel neglected or uncared for. Compliment them occasionally and show genuine interest while speaking. Create a safe zone for your partner and let them share their inner thoughts or emotions.

3. Keep Realistic Expectations

Dr.Wyatt Fisher, a licensed psychologist specializing in couples counseling, says, “Marriages usually fail because partners stop meeting one another’s needs, so resentments build, and eventually the couple detaches. The first step to bettering a marriage is to work through all the resentments that have been unaddressed. Second, they must start having regular conversations on how well they are meeting one another’s needs and what adjustments are needed to make things better. This combination fosters hope.” List down all your needs and expectations that you feel are left unmet by your spouse. Now analyze if they are realistic enough and your partner can fulfill them. It might be difficult to dissect the problems at a micro level, but you will soon realize you cannot truly address everything that upsets you. Therefore, be sympathetic rather than defensive while managing sorrow, pain, and anger in your marriage.

4. Renew Trust, Respect, And Connection

It is crucial to get over emotional overwhelm to fix a failing marriage. Try to process your negative emotions such as anger, hatred, pain, and distrust caused by unresolved issues. Find a way to reconnect with your spouse and prioritize each other. Plan a date night or trip, or spend quality time chatting daily, even for 10 minutes before bed. Sara Sloan, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate, says, “I do believe marriages can be saved through increased communication skills, increased emotional and sexual empathy, and returning to their original unconditional positive regard that occurs over time. It involves unlearning old patterns and replacing them with new positive ones that help couples maintain and grow their connection.”

5. Let Your Relationship Positives Win!

When you get used to the rosy side of your marriage, you tend to take it for granted. The biggest mistake is eventually forgetting the good things your spouse brings to your life and relationship. Therefore, consider how it would feel without them before demeaning your married partnership. Think through the ways your life has been changed for the better by your spouse. Remind yourself how your partner has added value to your life and loved you even in moments of crisis. Appreciate the sweet times of togetherness and feel excited about the good things yet to come. Do not get lost in your routines, and forget to appreciate what initially made you happy in the marriage. Be thankful for the simple, little things your partner does for you. For instance, preparing morning coffee, holding the door open, or checking up on you on sick days. Your partner’s daily efforts to provide for the family may seem obvious, but they are praiseworthy. Here are some additional tips to rebuild and make your broken marriage work. Follow the strategies mentioned below to create a healthy relationship and enjoy your happily ever after!

Examine yourself and know where you failed. Acknowledge your mistakes and promise to improve. Create time and have a candid talk. Pull your share of responsibilities without complaining. Allow your partner to explain their perception of the problems. Be attentive and listen as your partner talks. List the things you would like to be changed.

A study shows that lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflicts are primary causes of divorce. The most common reasons include domestic violence and substance use (1). However, relationship education programs can help couples resolve their issues early and experience potential improvements in the connection. Scroll down to find out why marriages end.

Common Reasons Why Marriages End

Lack of commitment and trust issues Miscommunication and growing apart Emotional and financial incompatibility Feeling uncared for and under-appreciated Lack of shared values and religious and cultural differences Sexual difficulties and sparing intimacy Substance abuse or domestic violence Secretive behavior or sudden mood swings Neglecting family and household responsibilities Disagreements over child care responsibilities and parenting styles Adultery, infidelity, and disloyalty Constant arguments and unrealistic expectations Lack of equality and burden of gender roles Emotional, mental, and physical abuse

Sara Sloan explains, “The fundamental issue in marriages that creates the breakdown in the relationship is a lack of communication and empathy for one another. Often people come in due to a lack of sex and physical intimacy, which is nearly always due to an attachment rupture or a loss of connection. This could be due to growing apart over time, an affair, a new baby, illness, or any number of life reasons.” Counseling often helps to address these issues and resolve conflicts. However, it is not the only option when your marriage is in trouble. You can address relationship issues outside a therapist’s office. However, you must be patient enough to listen to your partner, identify the broken places of your marriage, and understand why those breaks are bleeding into your life. Here’s how you can heal the damage and reverse the misunderstanding without counseling.

Is It Possible To Fix A Broken Marriage Without Counseling?

Yes, it is possible to fix a broken marriage without help from experts and counseling. However, there’s a catch. You have to change how you see your marriage and be strong-willed to put in the work. Your marriage is a ’living’ institution controlled by two people, you and your spouse. Therefore, you both must ensure a proper flow of communication, take responsibility for your actions, be honest with yourself and each other, and stay committed for a smooth sail. You can repair your marriage (all by yourself) by changing unhealthy styles of exchanging words, learning about humility, and getting grounded. So, initiate a positive change in your relationship. For example, you may start to listen more than react, greet each other with decency, and communicate your true feelings. This will likely change your feelings about the marriage and help you both re-commit to a future together. Hang in there a little longer and do the right thing for rebuilding your broken marriage. Engage in light-hearted, funny conversations with your spouse and NOT about your marriage. Evoke positive emotions, try to heal the hurt, and find forgiveness. You have to be as understanding and accepting as possible – accept what your spouse feels without arguing. Although it is tough and requires amazing strength, it is a great start to rebuilding your relationship. Does space help a broken relationship? Possibly. Getting some healthy space from your partner allows you to introspect, boosts independence, and helps you reconnect with your partner. How do you know your marriage is beyond repair? If your partner is toxic or abusive, if you feel your needs and concerns are not being addressed adequately, if you lack respect and space from them, or if your love has dwindled, it may be time to call it quits.
