You can get a curvy body naturally without surgery or waist cinchers. How? Scroll down to get your hands on the secrets to get a curvy body in just 5 steps. Swipe up!

How To Get A Curvy Hourglass Body Naturally

Step 1: Trim The Waist – 5 Best Exercises

The first step to get a curvy body is to reduce fat around the abdominal area to help your waist appear slimmer and hips appear wider. The best way to lose fat around the abdomen is to burn more calories than you eat and control your nutrition. Abdominal exercises can help tone the muscles around your stomach and lower back.

1. Leg-Up Crunches

Lie down on a mat and lift both your legs at 90° from the floor. Extend your hands up at a 45° angle and point them toward your feet. This is the starting position. Keep your legs straight, lift your head and the back of the shoulders, and try to touch the tips of your fingers to the tip of your toes. Relax and come to the starting position. Use your abs and not your neck to lift up. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

2. Bicycle Crunches

Lie down on a mat. Keep your spine straight and core engaged. Place the hands behind the head, and elbows in line with the ears. Lift your legs to a tabletop position (knees bent over hips, shins parallel to the floor). Keep your lower back on the mat. This is the starting position. Extend your right leg. Crunch up, twist your body to your left, and try to bring your right elbow close to your left knee. Twist your ribcage and keep your back elbow off the mat. Bend your right knee back into the tabletop, keeping your crunch. Simultaneously, extend your left leg and twist your body toward your right, bringing your left elbow close to your right knee. This completes one repetition. Do 3 sets of 10 reps(1 rep = right and left sides).

3. Lying Ankle Touches

Lie down on a mat. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the mat. Place your hands by your side, palms facing the mat. Now, lift your neck by using your abs, and look at the top of your knees. This is the starting position. Keeping your hands straight, crunch sideways to your right, and try to touch your right heel with your right hand. Crunch sideways to your left and touch your left heel with your left hand. This completes one repetition. Keep your shoulder blades off of the mat and focus on the top of your knees. Do 3 sets of 20 reps (10 on each side).

Note: To make this exercise more challenging, place your feet further away from your hips.

4. Leg Raises

Lie down on a mat with your lower back flat on the mat, abs in, arms long by your sides, and palms down on the mat. Engage your core, bend your knees into your chest, and extend your legs up to the ceiling. Keep your pelvis on the mat. Brace your abs and slowly bring your legs down as low as you can without arching your lower back. Stop before your lower back comes off of the mat. Raise your legs to the ceiling again. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

5. Mountain Climbers

Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your toes pointed, palms flat on the floor, shoulders down, knees under hips, back flat, and elbows directly below your shoulders. Extend your legs behind you and come to a plank pose. Engage your core and squeeze your glutes so your back is flat. Exhale, bend your right knee, and bring it up close to your chest. Inhale and extend your right leg back to the starting position. Exhale, bend your left knee, and bring it straight up to your chest. Inhale and get your left leg back to the starting position. This completes one repetition. Keep your abs in and shoulders over the wrists, shoulders down, upper back long, and head up.

Another way to achieve an hourglass look is to focus on toning and improving the posture of your upper body to open and lift your chest. Open shoulders and chest, straight upper back, and a streamlined neck all contribute to a naturally curvy look. Here are 3 upper body exercises that can be of immense help. Scroll down.

Step 2: Tone The Upper Body – 3 Best Exercises

Sculpting your upper body, i.e., the shoulders, chest, and upper back, will help your waist look slimmer. This will help create the upper curve of the hourglass figure you are aiming for. Practice these exercises for toning your upper body.

1. Tricep Dips

Sit on the edge of a chair or bench with your palms on either side, elbows pointing back, and fingers holding the edge of the chair. Let your fingers point out to the sides. Roll your shoulders down and back and engage your core. Lift your hips off the chair and take a step forward. This is your starting position. Bend your elbows and lower your hips. Stop when they are just about to touch the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back; do not let them roll forward. Keep your pelvis close to the chair. Straighten your arms and squeeze your triceps to come back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

2. Push-Ups

Come to the plank position on your hands. Make sure your shoulders are down, abs are in, glutes are squeezing, and your body is in a straight line. Keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows out to 45 degrees by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Make sure not to bend your spine or arch your lower back. Straighten your arms and separate your shoulder blades, coming back up to a plank. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

3. Shoulder Press

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, chest open, abs in, and look forward. Roll your shoulders back, curl your arms up, and bend your elbows to bring your upper arms in line with your shoulders and palms facing away from you. Keep your arms open. This is the starting position. Exhale and press your hands overhead with the palms facing away from you. Do not let your ribcage flare, shoulders lift, or lower back arch as you press your arms up. Inhale and lower your hands back to the starting position, using your back muscles to pull down. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

Developing shapely, muscular glutes and legs is also a key part of getting an hourglass figure. Scroll down to get started.

Step 3: Tone The Thighs & Hips – 5 Best Exercises

1. Side-Lying Leg Raises

Lie down on your right side. Support your head with your right palm and place the left hand in front of your chest. Make sure your upper back isn’t rounded. This is the starting position. Lift your left leg until it is perpendicular to the floor. Keep your toes pointing forward (not up), so you feel the outside of your hip. Exhale and bring your leg down. Before your left leg touches the right, lift it again. Do this 15 times before lying on your left side and raising your right leg 15 times. This completes one set. Do 3 sets of 15 reps in each leg. Use ankle weights for more challenges.

2. Weighted Lunges

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stand tall with your shoulders back, abs in, and spine long. This is the starting position. Take a step backward with your right leg. Bend your knees and lower your body in a straight line until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure your front knee is not rolling in. Step back to the starting position and straighten your legs. Take a step backward with your left foot. Lower your body by bending your knees to 90 degree angles. Step left foot forward to meet the right. This completes one repetition. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

3. Plie Squat With Ankle Lift

Stand tall with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Turn your feet out to 45°, roll your shoulders back, keep your back straight and hands by your side, and look straight ahead. This is the starting position. Bend your knees and lower your body. Keep your back straight. Your knees should point diagonally out over the center of your feet and not roll inward. Reach your arms out to the sides, keeping your shoulders down. Lift your right heel off the floor and then the left. Keep breathing. Make sure you have weight evenly across all 5 toes. Feel the stretch in your inner thighs, glutes, thighs, and calves. Stabilize your ankles. Pause for 3 seconds, lower your heels to the floor and straighten your knees up. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

4. Squats

How To Do

Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and toes pointing slightly outwards. Roll your shoulders back, open your chest, pull your abs in, and look forward. This is the starting position. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Make sure your knees do not come forward of your toes or roll inward. Keep your back straight. Avoid rounding or arching the lower back. Pause at the bottom. Straighten your legs and bring your hips under you by squeezing your glutes. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

5. Donkey Kicks

Come to your hands and knees on a mat (hands under shoulders, knees under hips). Bend your elbows and place them on the mat under your shoulders. Keep your core tight and look at the top of the mat to avoid rounding your upper back. This is the starting position. Bend your right knee to 90 degrees and lift your thigh off of the mat. Kick your leg up towards the ceiling slightly by squeezing your glute. Do not arch your lower back. Bring your legdown, and before your knee touches the floor, kick it up again. Repeat 12 times before doing the same with the left leg.

Developing muscle in your core, upper, and lower body will help you get an hourglass figure. Target one region on a day – either the upper body, the abs, or the lower body – and work each area twice a week. Do not do all the exercises in a day. Also, take short breaks and get enough rest to aid muscle recovery and prevent injuries. Remember that nutrition is key to giving your muscles adequate protein to build and lose the fat over your muscles so they’re visible. Check out the following section for nutrition tips.

Step 4: Eat, But Not Junk!

To get a curvy look, you may need to eat more to build muscle and add fat around the hips, or you may need to eat less in order to lose the fat over your muscles so they’re visible. If your BMI indicates that you are overweight, include cardio in your exercise routine and avoid all junk food (soda, fried food, high-sodium foods, sugary treats, etc.). Eat plenty of protein and make sure you consistently burn more calories than you eat. . Do cardio like running, swimming, HIIT, or biking to mobilize fat and lift weights at least 3x/ week to preserve muscle. If your BMI indicates that you are underweight, consume more calories in the form of healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, nut butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil), protein (chicken with skin, eggs, tofu, mushroom, and lentils), and carbs (fruits and veggies). You must also do strength training exercises at least 2-3x/ week that will help you build muscles. While it is important to follow all the steps mentioned above, nothing will work unless you are focused.

Step 5: Stay Focused

A great way to stay focused is to give yourself short-term goals. Set a goal for a week. Make a routine of getting your daily dose of exercise either in the evening or morning. Another way to remind yourself of achieving your goal is to write motivational quotes and paste post-it notes in your field of view. If you need to watch your nutrition, the best way to avoid junk food is not to buy any junk food products. Consume veggies, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, healthy snacks (Greek yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, protein shakes), and healthy fats to keep yourself full. Go to bed within 2-3 hours of dinner. Make sure you get enough sleep to support both weight loss and muscle building. Here’s a list of the dos and don’ts you should be aware of. If you were wondering how to get curvy, the above exercises can help you find the right solution. While many women are keen on losing weight to get that perfect zero figure, it may be healthier to embrace your curves. Maintaining a properly balanced diet along with an active healthy lifestyle would help mold and tone your figure to its best. Strength training and proper nutrition will give your curves the right shape to help you feel comfortable and confident in your skin. How to get curvy body without exercise? Check out the infographic below to learn more about the simple and best exercises you need to add to your workout regime to achieve an hourglass shape. Depending on your individual BMI, overall physique and fitness, a healthy balanced diet and an active lifestyle can give you your desired body shape. How to get curvy body and flat stomach at home? Follow the above workout routine consistently to see visible changes, over time.