The visceral adipose tissue (VAT) surrounding the intra-abdominal organs is more commonly known as upper belly fat. Upper belly obesity is caused by genetics, poor eating habits, and an unhealthy lifestyle. For reducing upper abdominal fat, spot reduction is not a long-term solution. Instead, exercise, a balanced diet, and lifestyle modifications are the only ways to reduce it in a healthy way. Scroll down for more information.C

Steps To Reduce Upper Belly Fat

Losing weight from the upper abdomen requires a holistic approach – exercise, healthy diet, and focus on lifestyle changes. Before starting this process, calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference (WC) to know your status better.

1. Exercises To Lose Upper Body Fat

These exercises do not focus on spot reduction but help strengthen your core, aid inch loss, and tone your body.

a. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

This is an excellent exercise for the entire body. It is not only effective for weight management and preventing obesity, but it also improves your cardiorespiratory health (2). There are 12 poses in Sun Salutation. Target: Whole body Steps

b. Plank Hold

Target: Upper belly, thighs, and arms. Steps

c. Bicycle Crunches

via GIPHY Target: Abdomen, hips, and obliques. Steps

d. Russian Twist

Target: Core, obliques, and spine. Steps

e. Leg Raise

Target: Abdomen and core. Steps

2. Eat Your Way To A Slimmer You

Diet is also a major factor that can help you get back in shape. A proper diet can go a long way in keeping you slim and healthy. Eat frequently, but consume smaller meals rather than eating large meals and burdening your digestive system. A study conducted at the Medical University Vienna on 20 obese women proved that following a calorie-deficit diet along with aerobic exercises can reduce body fat (3). Jesse Feder, RDN, says, “In order to create a caloric deficit, I highly recommend you make changes in both your diet and activity level. I would start off by making a very simple diet change of reducing the portion sizes of your meals. This is typically the easiest change to make for people since they can eat the same foods but just less of them throughout the day.” Here are some changes you can make in your diet to lose upper belly bulge:

Include protein-rich foods in every meal. Your snacks should be rich in good-quality protein to curb binging. Replace grains with whole grains at least 1-2 times a day. Include healthy fats in your diet, like nuts, seeds, and clarified butter. Bulk up on fiber-rich foods and have 1-2 servings of fruits on a daily basis. Replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods that are healthy and energize your body. Avoid oily and junk food like chips, baked products, cookies, and sweets. Replace them with salads made of fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce salt intake. Water is the best beverage. Instead of reaching for aerated sodas or energy drinks, drink plain water. Water cleanses your body and flushes out all the toxins, keeping you slim and hydrated.

3. Change Your Lifestyle

When it comes to reducing upper belly fat and managing your weight, a few lifestyle changes can go a long way in making a difference. According to Jesse Feder, RDN, “Increasing your daily activity level can burn extra calories and help get you into that caloric deficit. I always recommend to my clients/patients to go on daily 30-45 minute walks. Unfortunately, you cannot specifically target which area you lose fat from. Everyone loses fat from different areas first. You will still notice a difference and be able to lose that upper belly fat if you stay consistent with these changes.” Here are a few changes that you can incorporate: a. Cope With Stress: Stress leads to cravings for salt and sugar. A study on rats proved that fatty foods (lard) reduce stress by regulating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses (4). This explains the aforementioned cravings and the weight gain they lead to. Learning how to deal with anxiety and stress can cut off these triggers and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat foods that are rich in tryptophan like chicken, soya bean, nuts, bananas. Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin (a feel-good hormone). Thus, eating tryptophan-rich foods can help improve your mood (5). You can also practice deep breathing exercises, meditate, and walk for 30 minutes daily to cut back your stress. b. Sleep At Least 7 Hours In A Day Peaceful sleep is an important modulator of metabolism and neuroendocrine function. Inadequate sleep has been found to be associated with increased hunger, appetite, and craving for calorie-dense, high-carbohydrate content food (6). Hence, aim to sleep at least 7 hours a day. Upper belly fat is not only unhealthy but can also affect your self-image and mental health. If you are wondering what causes upper belly fat, check out the next section.

Causes Of Upper Abdominal Weight Gain

There could be multiple reasons for putting on weight in the upper belly region. The most common causes are:

Unhealthy eating habits A sedentary lifestyle with no physical exercise Lack of sleep Leading a stressful lifestyle that is high on both physical and mental stress Advancing age with slow metabolic rate

Why is my upper stomach bigger than my lower stomach? Upper belly fat is usually the result of the accumulation of visceral fat around your abdomen area. Stress, unhealthy lifestyle, and lack of sleep make your upper stomach bigger than your lower stomach. What is the best exercise for the upper abdomen? There is no particular exercise for spot reduction. To reduce your upper abdomen, you need to focus on whole-body and core exercises like sun salutations, plank hols, bicycle crunches, side crunches, and twist crunches. Why is my upper belly so big and hard? If your stomach feels big and hard often, it could be due to gas, a food intolerance, or inflammatory bowel disease.