What Causes Your Teeth To Become Loose?

For many, loose tooth issues arise from gum problems and bone loss (1). It happens when periodontitis, an infection, destroys the bone and soft tissues supporting the teeth. Other reasons for shaky and loose teeth include:

Poor oral hygiene Gum disease with plaque Dental injuries or fractures Tooth decay from sugary foods (2)

Osteoporosis (3)

Although it is alarming, this condition is reversible. Let’s look at a few home remedies to set the wobbly tooth straight and make it strong.

Home Remedies For Loose Teeth

1. Oil Pulling

The process of oil pulling or swishing the oil around in your mouth can help eliminate impurities by killing harmful microbes residing in the mouth. It can help maintain good oral hygiene and eliminate plaque (4). This may help fix loose teeth. You Will Need 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil (or sesame or olive oil) What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this every morning. You can also do it once again before going to bed.

2. Amla Powder

Amla or Indian gooseberry can help develop and support connective tissues (5). It can help in tissue regeneration and healing, leading to tightened teeth. You Will Need

1 teaspoon amla powder 1 cup of water

What You Have To Do Mix the powder with water and rinse your mouth with this mixture.  How Often You Should Do This Do this once a day. Note: Do not drink or eat anything for an hour following your rinsing routine.

3. Calcium And Vitamin D Supplements

Calcium and vitamin D are essential for teeth and bone health. A deficiency of these nutrients can cause the deterioration of dental health, leading to loose and shaky teeth. Studies suggest that taking calcium and vitamin D supplements increases tooth retention (6). You Will Need Vitamin D and calcium supplements What You Have To Do Consume the supplements as prescribed by your physician. How Often You Should Do This Follow the dosage as prescribed.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a strong antimicrobial agent (7). If your loose tooth is caused by an infection, placing the garlic on it can help in getting rid of the harmful microbes over time. You Will Need A garlic clove What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this 2-3 times a day.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide thoroughly eliminates all bacteria present in and around the loose tooth (8). These microbes are one of the most common reasons for loose teeth as a result of infection, cavity, and/or plaque. You Will Need 3% hydrogen peroxide solution What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this once or twice every day.

6. Mustard Oil And Honey

Mustard oil and honey are antibacterial agents with many potential benefits. A mixture of these natural ingredients can help strengthen gums and tighten loose teeth. This is usually used as an endodontic (related to the soft tissues in the tooth) medication owing to its antibacterial property (9). You Will Need

1 teaspoon salt A few drops of mustard oil

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Use this oil and salt paste once every day for 2-3 days, and then use it once every few days.

7. Indian Redwood Bark Powder

The resin present in the bark of this tree has been traditionally used to treat dental diseases and infections. Studies show that the bark extracts of Indian Redwood have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help to maintain oral hygiene(10). You Will Need Indian Redwood bark powder What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this twice daily.

8. Turmeric And Long Pepper

The active component of turmeric, known as curcumin, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties (11). Massaging the teeth with ground turmeric can reduce pain and inflammation. Indian long pepper possesses analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that can also help eliminate the pain that arises at the affected site (12). You Will Need

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder 1/2 teaspoon long pepper powder

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this daily to make your teeth and gums stronger.  Note: Ensure you don’t eat or drink for the next 30 minutes after using this powder. These remedies are completely natural and might take a while to show results. We will now see how you can prevent the occurrence of loose teeth. 

Prevention Tips

Here are a few ways by which you can prevent your teeth from becoming loose:

Make it a habit to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Apart from brushing, you must floss between your teeth regularly. Avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. Make sure to consult your dentist regularly to determine if you are maintaining good oral hygiene. If you are into extreme sports, you must wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth. Consult your doctor to see if you need to take vitamin D and calcium supplements to help prevent osteoporosis.

Is it normal for teeth to be loose after using braces? Braces are meant to readjust the position of your teeth and align them properly. This implies that your teeth may feel loose with braces initially, but after you have completed your course of wearing braces, your teeth will no longer feel loose. What is a splint for your teeth? A dental splint is used to give extra support to loosened teeth until they heal. Lesser biting pressure is experienced after splinting, thus causing no damage to the already loosened teeth. Is losing your teeth hereditary? Certain issues, such as receding gums, which can be a genetic condition, can lead to loose teeth more often than usual. There are other genetic factors that can make you more prone to gum diseases and cavities. These can also lead to loose teeth. How long does a loose tooth take to heal? If the treatment involves the usage of splint to set your loose tooth, it can take between 3-8 weeks, depending on the severity of the case. Can a loose tooth tighten itself back up? Yes, a loose tooth can tighten back up on its own. However, this depends on the cause and how loose the tooth is. For instance, a tooth that has become shaky due to an injury can tighten in a week or two. Should you brush a loose tooth? No, you should not brush a loose tooth as it may loosen even further. You can instead clean your teeth by swishing around some water inside the mouth. Does milk help a loose tooth? The numerous proteins found in milk can help promote oral health and make your teeth stronger (13). It may prevent the loosening of teeth and improve gum health.
