What Is Indigo?

Indigo is a natural dye that is obtained from the Indigofera tinctoria plant. It is rich, dark blue and is mainly used for dyeing clothes, especially denim. It is known to be one of the oldest dyes to be used for textile dyeing and printing. However, it is now also being used in combination with henna as a natural hair dye (1).

What Are The Advantages Of Using Indigo?

It is an all-natural hair dye that does not harm your hair in any way. When mixed with henna, it gives your hair a rich brown color. When applied over henna treated hair, it gives a lush black color. Regular use of indigo on hair can treat and prevent premature graying. Indigo extracts were found to stimulate new hair growth in rat studies (2). Indigo was also found to enhance hair color and shine and provide a cooling sensation (3).

Who knew this largely obscure natural hair dye could offer such a range of benefits, right? Well, now that you do, let’s look at how you can color your hair black using henna and indigo! Precaution: Although Indigofera tinctoria is used in many dyes, it may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions (4). Before you use it on your hair, do a patch test on your skin to check for any reaction. [ Read: 5 Basic Steps To Apply Henna For Grey Hair ]

How To Use Henna And Indigo To Color Your Hair Black

When it comes to dyeing your hair with henna and indigo for black hair, it’s a two-step process. You can’t simply mix the two together as that will give you brown or auburn locks. To get gorgeous black tresses, you need to first treat your hair with henna and then go in with the indigo.

Henna powder (100 g for short hair, 200 g for shoulder-length hair, 300 g for long hair) Indigo powder (100 g for short hair, 200 g for shoulder-length hair, 300 g for long hair) Juice of 1 lemon Salt (1 teaspoon) Cornstarch (2 teaspoons) Water Glass mixing bowl Big spoon Plastic wrap Hair coloring brush Old towel Shower cap Rubber gloves Sectioning clips

Step 1: Applying Henna And Indigo Mix For Black Hair

Step 2: Applying Indigo

The black color of your hair may take a couple of days to develop fully. If black doesn’t really suit your style and you want to go for a soft brown/auburn hair color, here’s some good news for you! Not only is it possible to get this hair color with henna and indigo, but you can also actually do it much quicker as you don’t need to process the hair dyes separately. Here’s what you need to do.

How To Use Henna And Indigo To Color Your Hair Brown

This is a one-step process that requires about half the processing time as using it to color your hair black.

Henna powder (200 g) Indigo powder (100 g) Yogurt (1 tablespoon) Salt (½ teaspoon) Water Glass mixing bowl Big spoon Plastic wrap Hair coloring brush Rubber gloves Old towel Shower cap Sectioning clips

Is it safe to use henna and indigo on your hair? Scroll through the infographic below to know a brief overview of the DIY steps you should follow to dye your hair brown. Yes, it is safe to use henna and indigo on your hair as they are all-natural ingredients. However, to ensure that you are not allergic to either of these natural hair dyes, do a patch test on the inside of your forearm before proceeding with coloring your hair. How long does the color last if you wash it weekly? Typically, the color lasts for 4-6 weeks, but it depends on the thickness and natural color of your hair. How often can indigo be used on your hair? You can use indigo on your hair weekly. What can I mix with henna to get brown hair? You can mix either brewed coffee or tea and shikakai powder with henna powder to get brown hair. Can we apply hair oil after applying indigo powder? Yes, you can apply hair oil (like mustard or coconut oil) after applying indigo powder. This can naturally condition and nourish your hair. Can I put henna on unwashed hair? No, it is not recommended to put henna on unwashed hair. The dirt and excess oil can keep henna from working on your hair. Washing your hair with water first can make the henna more effective.
