According to the Food and Health Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, histamine-rich foods may cause histamine intolerance in sensitive individuals who have trouble breaking down this compound (2). Similar to an allergic reaction, the symptoms of histamine intolerance are (1):

 Headaches  Palpitation  Redness  Skin inflammation  Nausea  Vomiting  Itchy skin  Rashes  Diarrhea

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, there is no specific test for diagnosing histamine intolerance (3). So, doctors opt for an elimination diet. This means removing histamine-rich foods for 4 weeks and gradually adding them back. This allows your doctor to determine which food is triggering the symptoms. How does a low-histamine diet benefit us? Let’s find out in the next section.

Benefits Of A Low-Histamine Diet

 May Lower The Level Of Histamine In Your Body

The primary purpose of a low-histamine diet is to decrease the level of histamine in the body. Diamine oxidase is an enzyme that is responsible for breaking down histamine in our bodies. Studies have suggested that low levels of diamine oxidase (DOA) may increase the levels of histamine in the body (4). In another study, patients with histamine intolerance had lower DOA activity. The same patients when asked to go on a low-histamine diet with DOA supplements saw an improvement in the symptoms (5).

 May Help Reduce The Symptoms Of Hives

A low-histamine diet may be instrumental in reducing the symptoms of hives. A study was conducted in 2018 to see the effect of a low-histamine diet on patients with chronic hives. The patients were prohibited from consuming histamine-rich food for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, the researchers found a significant decrease in the histamine levels and severity of hive symptoms (6). Research also suggests that consuming a low-histamine diet for 3 weeks may be beneficial to patients with hives accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms (7).

 May Help Manage Atopic Dermatitis

Similar to symptoms of histamine intolerance, the symptoms of atopic dermatitis may worsen due to the intake of histamine-rich food. A study conducted on a boy with atopic dermatitis found that a low-histamine diet is instrumental in the reduction of symptoms (1), (8).

 May Reduce The Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Eating a low histamine diet may reduce the symptoms of IBS. Research suggests that avoiding gluten-rich foods and fermented products may play an important role in reducing the symptoms of IBS (9). Even though a low-histamine diet has many potential benefits, it is highly recommended that you consult a doctor before going on this diet. If you aren’t sure which foods are high in histamine? Check out the next section to read about which foods to avoid on a low-histamine diet.

Foods To Avoid On A Low-histamine Diet

Today, due to limited evidence, it is difficult to quantify histamine levels in food. Factors such as storage time, addition of preservatives, and how old the food is can impact its histamine levels. Make sure you avoid foods labeled as “histamine liberators” as they are meant to help release histamine from other foods you consume. Here is a list of foods that may have higher levels of histamine (10):

 Cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, and yogurt  Kimchi and sauerkraut  Pickles or pickled veggies  Kombucha  Salami, sausages, and fermented ham  Beer, wine, and champagne  Miso, tempeh, natto, and soy sauce  Sourdough bread  Tomatoes  Eggplant  Spinach  Frozen, salted, or canned fish such as sardines and tuna  Vinegar  Tomato ketchup  Avocado

While the above is a list of foods to avoid, below is a list of foods that are considered to be low in histamine.

 Herbal teas  Quinoa, buckwheat, and rice  Chia, flax seeds, and hemp  Vegetables excluding spinach, eggplant, and tomato  Freshly cooked seafood and meat  Gluten-free products  Cooked eggs  Dairy-free products  Coconut products, such as coconut milk and coconut butter

The next section explores the cons of eating a low-histamine diet.

Cons Of A Low-histamine Diet

While limited studies indicate that a low-histamine diet can help reduce symptoms of various diseases, more studies are warranted to confirm that.

 There is no scientific evidence currently that suggests that a low-histamine diet may improve quality of life in the long term. A low-histamine diet may lead to malnutrition. Before you opt for it, it is recommended to consult a doctor/nutritionist for better understanding.  A low-histamine diet may be hard to sustain as it requires complete elimination of processed and canned foods. This may be hard for people who rely on these kinds of food for convenience.

To Sum It Up

Histamine intolerance is a medical condition that is difficult to diagnose, and a low-histamine diet may be essential in tackling it. Limited scientific evidence suggests that a low histamine diet may help in the reduction of symptoms of hives and atopic dermatitis. While cutting out fermented products and other selected foods may be beneficial for a while, it may lead to malnutrition in the long run. Before you opt for this diet, consult your doctor/nutritionist to plan a balanced diet that meets all your dietary needs. How can I lower my histamine levels quickly? Taking antihistamines, corticosteroids, and DAO enzyme supplements may help lower your histamine levels quickly. Consult your doctor before taking these medications. Are potatoes high in histamine? No, potatoes are not high in histamine. What time of day is histamine highest? Though the histamine levels keep fluctuating throughout the day, the body releases higher levels of histamine at night and the lowest levels in the afternoon. Excessive histamine may result in itching, difficulty breathing, and lack of sleep. Therefore, it is best to consume low histamine foods after evening.
