Many factors like financial instability, medical issues, unemployment, the need to support children, or even money disputes can cause couples to live together even after separating. While some couples may agree to stay together for their children, others may not feel comfortable. If you are in a similar dilemma, this post is for you. This article explores the reasons couples may choose to live together after separation, the different types of separation, and the tips to make it work. Continue reading. Many couples choose to stay together even after separation and divorce. There could be multiple reasons for that. Let’s take a look at them.

Reasons For Living Together After Separation

1. For The Sake Of The Kids

Separation or divorce can be tough on the children. Often, couples choose to live together after separation for the sake of their kids. They want to ensure a safe and happy environment for the child and save them from the emotional trauma of choosing between parents and juggling two households. However, to stay in such an arrangement, couples have to overcome the negative feelings, anger, and sadness. This is commonly referred to as “parenting marriage.”

2. Seeking Reconciliation

Couples are often hopeful of reconciliation and may choose to live together after separation to give the relationship another shot. Couples who opt for counseling also consider this a great arrangement. You can apply for a trial separation to understand what this situation entails. This gives you time to repair the marriage before you proceed with the divorce. It is always worth taking a shot if you can live peacefully with each other.

3. Buying Time

Divorce proceedings are complicated and time-consuming. In the meantime, this arrangement works well for couples. They can also deal with issues and compromise on various details, such as finance, child custody, alimony, etc. A legal separation gives you time without any hard deadlines. You always have an option to work it out or make the separation permanent.

4. Financial Concerns

Managing two households, child support, legal issues regarding inheritance or property, mortgage, etc., can complicate matters. Some couples opt to live together even though they are separated to cut down the financial burden. Couples who are separated can still avail of medical insurance benefits under the same plan and support each other financially. If you and your spouse want a break from the relationship, you can opt for separation before taking the tough route ( read divorce). While it is best to consult a lawyer regarding such discussions, the next section gives you an idea about the types of separation you may opt for.

Different Types of Separation

1. Trial Separation

This is a temporary phase where you and your partner live apart. A trial separation is best for couples who need time to decide on the future of their relationship. After the separation period is over, you can choose to live together and reconcile or go for permanent separation and divorce. During the trial separation, you can go for an informal contract that addresses issues like expenses, shared parenting duties, and usage of bank accounts and credit cards. Since you are legally married, your finances and properties will come under joint ownership.

2. Permanent Separation

If your efforts for reconciliation have not worked out, permanent separation is the next step. While this does not mean you are divorced, the law recognizes your separation. This may change the property rights between you and your spouse. After permanent separation, you may no longer be entitled to your spouse’s income or possessions. Similarly, you cannot be held liable for any of your partner’s debts or loans.

You can apply for a legal separation in some states. This is a legal status where you are not married but not divorced either. Also, you cannot remarry if you apply for legal separation. However, just like a divorce, the court decides on the division of property, child support, custody, and alimony. Couples opt for legal separation due to religious, political, or ideological differences but want to stay together for the sake of their kids. If you have decided to separate but live together, here are a few tips to make it easier for you.

Living Together After Separation: Tips To Make It Work

Here are a few tips for establishing ground rules and set clear boundaries to avoid complicating the situation: Who gets to stay in the house during separation? Check out the infographic below to know how to co-parent in a healthy way. This depends on whose name is on the title deed. If one spouse’s name is on the title deed, the other spouse has the choice of staying or leaving the house. If both partners are joint tenants, then both partners can stay in the house. Both partners should have a conversation about this and be on the same page. How long should a separation last? Both spouses can discuss and agree to the duration of the separation. Ensure that both partners set clear boundaries and discuss how finances will be handed during the separation.