Under-eye fillers have become popular because they deliver noticeable results within a single treatment in a minimally invasive nature. However, they are not suitable for everyone. Keep reading to find out whether injecting fillers under your eyes is a viable option for you.

What Is Under-Eye Filler? Is It Safe?

Under-eye fillers are a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that involves injecting a fluid hyaluronic acid-based filler in the under-eye area. They are also called dermal fillers, and they are often used to treat dark circles, sunken eyes, and eye bags. In many people, dark circles are caused due to shadows created by depressions in the soft tissue of the bone in their under-eye area or by facial fat loss under the eyes. An under-eye filler fills in the shadowed and sunken area to eliminate the resulting dark circles. The most commonly used eye fillers are hyaluronic injections. But, are under-eye fillers safe? Yes. Hyaluronic fillers are safe for facial rejuvenation procedures, making them the best option for under-eye treatments (1). Besides, the procedure can be done without bruising the tissues too much. However, it must be performed only by an experienced and trained professional.

Check out the benefits of under-eye filler in the next section.

Benefits Of Under-Eye Filler

The primary benefit of injectable fillers is that they reduce dark circles and fine lines under the eyes. However, the following advantages of the procedure make it one of the most popular treatments for dark circles.

It is a minimally-invasive procedure that does not require surgery.  It is painless and requires no downtime.  It has a long-lasting effect.  It gives you immediate results.  The procedure is quick and done in minutes.  The fillers are made of hyaluronic acid and dissolve naturally in your body.  The doctor can undo the procedure if the patient does not like the result.

Now, you may be wondering if there is a difference between Botox and under-eye fillers. Well, the two procedures are very different in their functioning and applications and must not be confused. Find out more in the next section.

Under-Eye Filler Vs. Botox

Botox uses a neurotoxic protein called botulinum which is injected in small quantities into creases and wrinkles to paralyze the underlying muscle and make your skin more even by restricting muscle contractions that lead to wrinkles. It is done on the upper part of your face, like the forehead, temples around the eyes, etc. (2). Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are used to fill in the hollow soft tissue to plump up the area and reduce fine lines or dark circles. These fillers are usually hyaluronic acid injections that are later naturally dissolved by the body (3). In some cases, a doctor may prescribe both Botox and fillers for a patient, depending on various factors such as age, skin type, and skin concerns. Would you make a good candidate for under-eye filler? Read the next section to find out.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Under-Eye Filler?

Anybody who has dark circles caused due to sunken under eyes is a good candidate for under-eye filler. But, it must be noted that not all types of dark circles can be treated by dermal fillers. To determine if you will benefit from getting fillers under your eyes, let’s explore the two major reasons for dark circles: A quick way to test if you have dark circles due to shadows is by holding up a flashlight against your eye and looking for a change in under-eye color in a mirror. The shadow effect will be reduced by the direct light on the under-eye, and the dark circles will disappear. If you have a hollow under-eye area, dermal fillers will help you achieve the youthful eyes you want. If the dark circles are still visible, it may be due to hyperpigmentation, and fillers won’t solve this problem. If you are a suitable candidate for under-eye fillers, you may be interested in getting the procedure done. The next section shows you how to prepare for the treatment for the best results. NOTE: It is important to have realistic expectations of your results. While one patient may need only 1mL of dermal filler, another may require 2 – 3 syringes based on the severity of their case and their desired outcome.

How To Prepare For Under-Eye Filler

Your doctor will provide you with a specific list of instructions suitable for your skin before the procedure is carried out. However, here are a few general tips to prepare yourself for an under-eye filler.

 Avoid consumption of alcohol at least 24 hours before the procedure.  Your doctor may give you a list of medications to avoid at least a day before.  Refrain from general OTC drugs for blood thinning like ibuprofen, aspirin, vitamin E, and fish oil, as they can lead to bruising or swelling.  Do not apply concealer or makeup on the day of the procedure.  Icing your face before the procedure can help with numbing. However, you can skip it and ask your doctor to apply a numbing cream instead.

While getting fillers under the eyes can sound scary, it is actually not a very painful or complicated procedure. Keep reading to learn how the treatment is carried out.

What To Expect During An Under-Eye Filler Treatment

Injecting fillers is a quick and painless procedure. It is performed under local anesthesia and takes less than 30 minutes in total. If it is your first time getting under eye fillers for dark circles, here is what you can expect during the procedure. Other than the steps of the procedure itself, you must keep a few other things in mind:

 Although hyaluronic acid fillers are safe, they degrade and dissolve in your body over time. This means your fillers are temporary, and you will need to get them redone approximately once every year and a half. The procedure is not painful or uncomfortable, but you are likely to experience a feeling of pressure or pinching during the injection process. It may be a slightly new feeling that will take some getting used to.  Depending on the shape and other features of your face, a doctor may prescribe injecting fillers in the cheek area for better reduction of the under-eye shadow. It is a common approach and varies from person to person.

NOTE: The longevity of the filler varies from person to person. Some patients metabolize dermal fillers within 6 – 9 months, while others maintain their results for up to 2 years. Wondering how much this procedure costs? Find out in the next section.

How Much Does Under-Eye Filler Cost?

Depending on where you get it done or the number of syringes required, the cost of getting under-eye fillers can vary. In major urban cities, the cost can be anywhere from around $900 to $1500 per syringe. But depending on the under-eye area and hollows, the amount of filler used may be different. A single syringe can be split up in case the area under your eyes does not need much filler. This can reduce the price of the treatment. In most cases, patients require two syringes of dermal filler under the eye, making the average cost of the procedure around $1800-$3000. Although it may seem like an expensive procedure, injecting fillers is still a popular treatment as it is non-surgical with immediate effects and no recovery downtime. However, the treatment may also lead to some side effects. Find out more about them below.

What Kind Of Side Effects Are Associated With Under-Eye Fillers?

Using hyaluronic filler for the under-eye area is considered safe, but there are still chances of some minor side effects: In order to avoid any temporary or serious side effects of under-eye fillers, it is advised to choose a licensed cosmetic surgeon or an experienced doctor to perform the procedure. Be sure to get it done at a clinic rather than a spa as fillers require precision and medical knowledge for perfect results. Learn how to take care of yourself after getting under-eye fillers in the next section.

Aftercare Tips For Under-Eye Fillers

Depending on the amount of injected dermal fillers under the eyes, suitable aftercare will be prescribed by your doctor. Some general suggestions to take care of your face after getting an under-eye filler are:

 Avoid excessive touching, rubbing, or scratching the injected area for at least 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. Do not use makeup for 1 hour after the procedure. Do not indulge in excessive fitness activities or exercise after getting the fillers. Avoid exercises that need you to bend and bring your face down for a long time since it can lead to swelling.  In case of swelling or bruising, use an ice pack for a day or two to reduce the appearance.  Avoid consuming alcohol for up to 48 hours.

What’s The Downtime For Under-Eye Fillers?

Under-eye fillers usually do not need any downtime after the procedure. You definitely do not have to lie in bed for recovery like in surgical procedures. If you experience swelling after getting fillers under the eyes, it usually recedes in a matter of hours or a day. In most cases, using an ice pack will help reduce the swelling. However, if you develop some bruising, it may take up to a week to completely go away. For this reason, do not get fillers done right before an important day. Who is not a candidate for under-eye fillers? People with a skin infection or irritation in the under-eye area should get this issue treated before getting an under-eye filler. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you are not a candidate for an under-eye filler. Always consult with your doctor to confirm that you don’t have any underlying medical conditions that may disqualify you from being a candidate for the treatment. Can fillers make under-eye bags worse? Yes, in a few individuals. The fillers may aggravate the appearance of people with facial fat pads that are too baggy and big. If your injector is inexperienced, you may end up with too much filler, resulting in a puffy, overfilled result. QUOTE: Keep in mind that under eye fillers are meant to fill in hollowness in the tear trough area. If you have bags under your eyes, a dermal filler may not be the appropriate option for you.
